On The Record: Republicans Voted Against Lowering Prescription Drug Prices, Protecting Access to Contraception, IVF, and Abortion

During the last legislative session, Republicans voted against several bills that would have lowered the price of prescription drugs and protected Nevadans’ access to reproductive healthcare. Republicans put special interests over hardworking Nevada families when they voted against AB250, which would have lowered the cost of prescription drugs in Nevada. While Democrats passed AB250, Joe Lombardo vetoed the bill and then raked in nearly $100,000 in campaign cash from big drug companies.

The vast majority of Republicans voted against AB383, which would have protected Nevadans’ access to contraception, and every single Republican in the legislature voted against moving to enshrine IVF protections and the right to an abortion in the state constitution.

Republicans prioritized special interests over the well-being of Nevadans by voting against legislation supporting hardworking families despite the policies being popular:

  • AB250: Would have lowered the price of certain prescription drugs and lowered costs for everyday Nevadans
  • AB383: Would have protected Nevadans’ access to reproductive healthcare.
  • AB11: Would have ended corporate practice of medicine and increased availability of specialty doctors.
  • AB251: Would have required prescription labels to provide information in ten languages most commonly spoken.
  • SB131: Protects health care providers and out-of-state patients against criminalization for seeking reproductive health care in Nevada, a codification of former Governor Sisolak’s executive order on abortion.
  • SJR7: Gives voters the ability to enshrine the right to reproductive health care in Nevada’s constitution.



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