Sam Brown’s Close Ties to Extreme Anti-Abortion Group Once Again in the Spotlight

New endorsement questionnaire reveals Faith and Freedom Coalition’s extreme priorities

MAGA extremist Sam Brown’s role as the president and chairman of the Nevada Faith and Freedom Coalition is once again in the spotlight as the extreme group presses candidates to support their extreme anti-abortion positions in a questionnaire sent around.

Brown served as the local president and chairman of the Faith and Freedom Coalition, a radical group that called Roe v Wade a “moral atrocity” and pushed for a nationwide abortion ban. Brown called his position a “passion project” and has since been caught trying to hide his role and scrubbing all mentions of his leadership position from the organization’s website.

Read more about the Faith and Freedom Coalition’s extreme views that Brown is closely aligned with here:

American Journal News: Sam Brown’s allies push far-right agenda, spotlight abortion rights in candidate survey 

Jesse Valentine

September 20, 2024

  • A group with ties to Nevada U.S. Senate candidate Sam Brown is distributing a questionnaire to political candidates. The questions offer a glimpse of the group’s far-right agenda.
  • Brown, a Republican, is challenging incumbent Democratic Sen. Jacky Rosen. He has been endorsed by former President Donald Trump.
  • Brown first ran for the U.S. Senate in 2022 but didn’t make it past the Republican primary. After the campaign, he became president of the Nevada Faith & Freedom Coalition, the state branch of the national Faith & Freedom Coalition. The group promotes policies aligned with an evangelical Christian worldview, including support for abortion bans and opposition to LGBTQ rights.
  • The questionnaire is intended to evaluate how aligned candidates are with the Faith & Freedom Coalition’s mission… The group’s endorsements and financial support will likely depend on the candidates’ responses.
  • Eight questions are focused on reproductive rights. Candidates are asked if they would support legislation banning abortion and if they agree with the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade.
  • The Faith & Coalition’s website explicitly states that they will pressure lawmakers to support new restrictions on abortion.
  • “Now that the power to regulate abortion has been returned to elected officials, Faith & Freedom is working diligently to protect life by working with elected leaders in Washington, DC and in State Capitols throughout the country to enact pro-life laws and executive action that protects women and their unborn children,” the site states.
  • Candidates are also asked if they would support a constitutional amendment defining marriage as between a man and a woman and if they believe that the Supreme Court decision allowing gay marriage was wrongly decided. 
  • Brown has seemingly tried to distance himself from the Faith & Freedom Coalition since launching his current campaign. He did not include his work with the organization on his personal financial disclosure forms. 
  • In 2022, Brown described his work for the Faith & Freedom coalition as a “passion project.”
  •  In 2014, he backed 20-week abortion ban that included no exceptions for rape or incest and put onerous restrictions on which doctors could perform abortions. In 2018, Brown managed the campaign of a Texas congressional candidate who described himself on social media as “100% pro-life, no exceptions.”



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