2024 Voting Resources

NOTE: (⬇️) designates a drop-down menu with more information

Register to Vote Here

  • More Voter Registration Information here

Voter Protection Hotline: 775-574-VOTE (8683)

  • Call 24/7 with questions or to report any voting issues.
  • English & Spanish Calls Supported!
  • By texting this number, you agree to receive SMS messages from the Nevada Democratic Party about your voting question. Message & data rates from your carrier may apply. Number of messages will depend on the question. Reply STOP to opt out. View our privacy policy at our website at https://nvdems.com/privacy-policy/

Find An Early Vote Center or Election Day Polling Place Here

Three Ways to Vote:

  • Vote By Mail
    • Mail Ballots will be mailed out to voters by October 16.
    • Every active registered voter and each person who registers to vote or updates their voter registration at least 14 days prior to the election will automatically be mailed a mail ballot! 
    • Complete your ballot, sign the envelope, and return it in the mail or at any drop box in your county
    • You can return your mail ballot by:
      • Dropping it in the mail so that it’s postmarked on or before Election Day. Ballots returned by mail must be received by the election office by Nov 9.
      • Dropping it in a dropbox at any Vote Center in your county during Early Vote or on Election Day.
  • Early Voting
    • Early voting is from October 19 – November 1. 
    • Vote in person at ANY vote center in your county!
  • Election Day Voting
    • Voter centers are open 7am – 7pm on Election Day. 
    • Vote in person at ANY vote center in your county!
    • If you’re in line by 7pm, you can vote!

Overseas/Military/Disabled/Tribal Voters – Vote with EASE Here
Volunteer to Be a Poll Observer Here! Help Protect the Vote!

Call Our Voter Protection Hotline at 775-574-VOTE (8683)With Any Voter Questions or Concerns

By texting this number, you agree to receive SMS messages from the Nevada Democratic Party about your voting question. Message & data rates from your carrier may apply. Number of messages will depend on the question. Reply STOP to opt out. View our privacy policy at our website at https://nvdems.com/privacy-policy/

⬇️ Voter Registration Information
  • Complete the Registered Voter Services Form to see if you are registered to vote.
    • If your information is not in the database, you are not registered to vote in Nevada (at least under the name you entered). See below for the various ways to register
  • If you see yourself in the database, also check if you are an active registered voter. Do this by checking your “Voter Status,” which is listed in the “Voter Info” column
  • Registered voters can have a Voter Status of either “Active” or “Inactive”
    • Active registered voters will automatically receive a mail ballot in the mail.
    • Inactive registered voters will not receive a mail ballot but may still vote in person during Early Voting or on Election Day. However, we highly recommend that inactive registered voters call your County Registrar’s/Clerk’s office to become active once again. Otherwise, when you arrive to vote in person, you may be asked for documentation to prove your current residence. Find your County Registrar’s/Clerk’s office phone number here.

You Are Eligible to Register To Vote In Nevada If You Are:

  • A US Citizen
  • 18 years of age or older on Nov 5, 2024
    • You can pre-register when you are 17 and will automatically become registered on your 18th birthday!
  • Have Resided in NV for at least 30 Days
    • You don’t lose residency just because you are away at school or in the military. 
  • Not currently serving a prison term for a felony
    • Past imprisonment, current imprisonment pending trial or conviction, current imprisonment for a misdemeanor, and ongoing parole or probation do NOT disqualify you from voting.
  • Not been ruled mentally incompetent by a judge
⬇️ How to Register to Vote in Nevada


  • If you have a Social Security number, NV driver’s license (can be a temporary paper driver’s license issued by the DMV ) or NV ID, you can register via standard voter registration in-person or by mail until October 8, 2024. 
  • Standard registration is the only registration option for residents who do not have a NV driver’s license, a NV ID or an approved Tribal ID. Therefore, October 8th is the effective voter registration deadline for individuals who do not have any of these three forms of ID. 
  • If you know the last four digits of your social security number OR you have a valid NV driver’s license number or NV ID number you can register in person or by mail:
    • In-Person– Register in person at your county election office, which you can find here. 
    • By Mail– Register by mail by completing and signing the paper NV Voter Registration Application and mailing it back (or hand delivering it) to your county election office. Download the application here and either fill it out online before you print it, or print it out and then complete it by hand. Don’t forget to sign it before you mail or deliver it by hand to your Country Registrar/Clerk!
  • If you do not know the last four digits of your Social Security number and you do not have a NV driver’s license or Nevada ID, you can still register in-person, at your county election office by showing a current and valid:
    • United States Passport
    • Military ID 
    • Student ID
    • ID issued by a NV state agency 
    • an approved Tribal ID
    • another government-issued ID that includes your signature and contains a photograph or physical description of you 
  • Note: if your proof of identity does not show your current residence, you may be required to provide additional documentation of your residence, such as a current utility bill, paycheck, lease, or bank statement. A full list of acceptable documentation to prove residency is here
  • Note: a voter registration card does not provide proof of residence or identity.


  • You can register online here anytime through Election Day.
  • Online registration requires a valid and current NV driver’s license number or NV ID number.
  • If you register online after Oct. 22, 2024 you will be required:
    • to vote in-person during early voting or on Election Day, 
    • to supply proof of identification and residency when you show up to vote, and
    • to cast a provisional ballot, if the clerk requires additional time to verify whether you are eligible to vote in the election based on your updated voter registration information.

If you do not have a NV driver’s license or a NV ID, you must register to vote no later than October 8, 2024 in-person or by mail via standard voter registration.


  • You may register to vote (and then vote) at ANY vote center in your county during early voting or at ANY vote center in your county on Election Day
  • You must vote in-person at that same voting location after you register 
  • You will be given a provisional ballot to vote.
  • Identification Requirements for Same Day Registration
    • Same Day registrants must show one of the following forms of valid and current ID:
      • NV driver’s license (can be a temporary paper driver’s license issued by the DMV)
      • NV ID (issued by the DMV)
      • an approved Tribal ID
    • No other forms of identification, such as US Passport, Social Security Number or Military ID, will be accepted as proof of identity for same-day registration, even though those documents may be accepted when registering in other ways.
    • If your ID does not include proof of your current residence, you may be required to provide additional proof of residence, such as a paycheck, current lease, bank statement or utility bill. A full list of acceptable documents that prove residency is here.   


775-574-VOTE (8683)

  • Call 24/7 with questions or to report any voting issues
  • English & Spanish Calls Supported!
⬇️ Update Your Existing Nevada Voter Registration
  • Update your existing registration if your address or name has changed from that listed in your voter registration record.
  • If you do not have a NV driver’s license or NV-DMV issued ID, your effective deadline for updating your voter registration is October 8th.
  • Submitting a new voter registration application in Nevada will automatically update any already existing Nevada registration file for the same voter.
  • If you are registered to vote in a state other than Nevada, and you plan to vote in Nevada, you need to register in Nevada. You can not “update” an out-of-state registration to become a Nevada registration.
⬇️ New Registrants Required to Provide Proof of Identification and Residency
  • Individuals registering to vote in Nevada must show proof of identification and residency.
    • Voters typically submit this proof with their registration application. 
    • Any one of these usually suffices:
      • valid and current NV driver’s license number, 
      • valid and current DMV-Issues NV ID Number, OR 
      • last four digits of your Social Security number (acceptable only when registering by October 8 in-person or by-mail using the paper registration form)
    • If you did not submit this proof with your registration (or if your county election officials were unable to verify your identity and residency from the proof you submitted), you will need to submit additional proof when voting:
      • If Voting In-Person:
        • When you show up to your vote center to vote they may ask you for this proof
        • Once you provide the required proof, they will then give you a “Self-Curing” Provisional Ballot. “Self-Curing” means that your vote will automatically be counted once your county election officials verify your identity and residency from the proof you submitted.
        • If you do not have the required ID when you show up to vote, you will have to cast a “NON-self-curing” Provisional Ballot, which means that in order for your vote to be counted, you will have to submit the required proof at your local election office, in person, after you vote and before 5pm November 8, 2024. 
      • If Voting By Mail:
        • Your County Registrar/Clerk will inform you if proof of identity or residence is required from you. Procedures for notifying you and for you to supply the required documentation vary by county.
        • If you fail to submit the required proof with your mail ballot, the County Registrar’s/Clerk’s office should contact you, and explain how you can submit the proof in person at your County Registrar’s/Clerk’s office by 5pm November 8, 2024 
        • If you do not, your vote will not be counted.
⬇️ Military, Overseas Residents, Disables, and Tribal Voters Can Register via EASE
  • Nevada’s Effective Absentee System for Elections (“EASE”) is Nevada’s entirely online system for registering and voting, available for use only by:
    • Active duty members of the United States Armed Forces, and their spouses and dependents, 
    • Nevada voters who are outside of the country, 
    • Nevada residents with a disability and 
    • Tribal voters who live on a colony or reservation in Nevada.  
  • EASE will be available for this election starting September 21, 2024 (45 days before Election Day).
  • Visit the Secretary of State’s EASE Overview here for details (available Sept 21, 2024)
⬇️ Registering at One’s Home with Assistance
  • If you require in-home assistance because of illness, disability or other good cause, you may request the County Registrar/Clerk to come to your home and assist you with completing your voter registration application.
  • You must request such in-home assistance no later than October 7 by writing or calling your County Registrar/Clerk.
⬇️ Registration Deadlines
  • October 8
    • Last day to register in-person at your County Registrar’s/Clerk’s office 
    • Last day to register by mail – must be postmarked no later than October 8
    • Effective registration deadline for those who do NOT HAVE a NV driver’s license or NV DMV-Issued ID
      • After October 8, you can still register through Election Day in either of two ways:
        • Online here, or
        • In person, via same-day registration at any vote center during early voting or vote center on Election Day. 
      • Note that both of these options require a NV driver’s license or NV ID, or, for same-day registration, an approved Tribal ID.
  • October 22:
    • Last day to register or update your registration and still receive a mail ballot
    • Last day to register online without having to show ID when voting in-person and cast a provisional ballot.
  • Oct 19-Nov 5:
    • Same-Day Registration: You can register in person at ANY vote center during early voting or at ANY vote center on Election Day 
    • You can register online through Election Day, November 5.
      • If you register online after October 22, you will have to show ID when you vote in person and may have to vote with a provisional ballot


⬇️ Vote by Mail Information
  • Nevada is a universal mail ballot state. This means:
    • Every active registered voter will automatically be mailed a mail ballot (unless you have specifically opted-out of receiving a mail ballot) provided that they register at least 14 days before the election. 
    • Every voter may vote by mail–no excuse or application is required.
  • Check here to see if you are an active registered voter.
    • Complete the “Registered Voter Services” form and check your “Voter Status,” listed in the “Voter Info” column, to see if you are “active” or “inactive.”
  • Deadlines to register to vote and still receive a mail ballot:
    • October 22, if you register online
    • October 8, if you register in-person or register by-mail
⬇️ When to Expect Your Mail Ballot
  • The deadline for the counties to mail ballots to in-state voters is October 16, but most counties will begin mailing ballots sooner.
  • If you have not received your mail ballot by October 23rd, you should call your Registrar/County Clerk, and if you do not receive it by Election Day, you should vote in person.
⬇️ Track the Status of Your Mail Ballot
  • You can sign up on BallotTrax to track, view and receive messages about whether your mail ballot needs to be cured and when it is counted.
  • If you have not received your mail ballot by October 23rd, you should call your Registrar/County Clerk, and if you do not receive it by Election Day, you should vote in person.
⬇️ Emergency Mail Ballots
  • In special circumstances, emergency mail ballots are available after October 22 from the County Registrar/Clerk .
  • Request must be made before 5pm on Election Day.
  • Emergency ballots, like all ballots, must be returned by 7pm on Election Day.
⬇️ Completing Your Mail Ballot
  • Use a black or blue ink to complete the ballot.
  • Only mark the ovals next to the candidate’s name you are selecting. Try not to leave any stray markings or other writing on your ballot.
  • You must use the return envelope provided with your ballot.
  • You must sign the outside of the envelope!
  • Place your ballot (ONLY one ballot per envelope) in YOUR return envelope.
    • Folks living in the same household often swap envelopes accidentally nullifying their votes.
  • Do not place anything else in the enevlope unless the instructions specifically require you to do so.

If You Make a Mistake When Marking Your Mail Ballot

  • If you make a mistake do NOT use white out or correction tape. You should just cross the name of the candidate you do not wish to vote for and then fill in the oval of the candidate you do wish to vote for. See the example below. 
A picture containing diagram

Description automatically generated
  • Replacement ballots and envelopes are available through the County Registrar/Clerk. Bring your original ballot and envelope with you
⬇️ Returning Your Mail Ballot
  • Hand deliver your ballot before the close of the polls (7pm, Nov. 5) to ANY of the following:  
    • ANY Official Ballot Drop Box in Your County:
      • Hours for ballot drop box returns vary by county – be sure to check in advance!
    • ANY Vote Center in Your County:
      • During early voting (hours vary) or on Election Day (7am – 7pm)
      • Every vote center will have an official drop box 
      • 2024 voting locations here – not yet updated for 2024
    • To your County Registrar’s/Clerk’s office
      • Hours vary considerably by county – be sure to check in advance!
  • Mail Your Ballot to your County Registrar/Clerk, and Make Sure It Is:
    • Postmarked no later than Election Day, November 5, 2024 
    • Received by the County Registrar/Clerk by 5pm on November 9, 2024 
    • Return envelopes are pre-addressed
    • Return enveloped include pre-paid postage–it is not necessary to add a stamp
  • Return Your Mail Ballot As Early As Possible!
    • This will increase the time you will have to cure, in the event your mail ballot is rejected for signature or other reasons.
    • For those returning their ballot by mail, this will mitigate the risks from mail delivery delays by increasing the likelihood that your mail ballot will be received before the deadline.
  • You May Authorize Someone Else to Return Your Ballot for You
    • You may authorize any person to collect your mail ballot from you, and drop it off for you, at any official drop box in the country, USPS mailbox or your County Registrar’s/Clerk’s office.
    • Old restrictions limiting ballot collection assistance to family members NO longer apply!
⬇️ Curing Your Mail Ballot
  • Curing Signature Issues with Your Mail Ballot
    • Nevada law provides voters with the ability to fix or “cure” certain signature issues on their mail ballot return envelope, such as when a voter’s signature is missing or when the signature on the return envelope does not match the signature(s) in the voter’s registration file.
    • A voter must correct (or “cure”) signature issues by 5 p.m. on November 12 in order for their vote to count.
    • A local election official should contact you to inform you of any curable signature issue, and may contact you by mail, by telephone, and/or electronically, with information about how to “cure” your ballot.
  • Curing Missing Proof of Identity or Residency with Your Mail Ballot
    • First time voters who have not yet supplied proof of identity or residency (or whose proof did not match the records available to the Country Registrar/Clerk) may be asked by the County Registrar/Clerk to provide such proof along with their mail ballot. 
    • If you are asked to supply any such proof, follow the instructions precisely.
⬇️ Can I Still Vote if I Received a Mail Ballot?
  • If you receive a mail ballot you may still vote in-person at a vote center during early voting or on Election Day if you prefer, provided your ballot has not already been returned to your county elections office. 
  • To vote in person after receipt of a mail ballot:
    • If you have your absentee ballot in your possession, take it with you to the polls and give it to the poll worker. The poll worker will dispose of your old ballot and let you vote on the machines. 
    • If you do not have your absentee ballot in your possession (for example, you have not received it yet, or you’ve misplaced it), that’s okay too. Simply tell the poll worker that you have (or expect to receive) a mail ballot, but that you’d like to vote in person instead. The poll worker will ask you to sign a form where you swear you haven’t voted, and then you’ll be permitted to vote in person.


⬇️ Early Voting
  • Early voting is available from Saturday, October 19th through Friday, November 1st.
  • ANY voter can vote during the early voting period at ANY vote center in their county.  You are not limited to any particular vote center. So convenient! 😎
  • Vote center hours during early voting vary by county and location:
    • Clark and Washoe counties offer Early Voting seven days a week.
    • Other counties may offer limited Saturday hours and/or no Sunday hours.
    • For a complete list of early vote locations and times, check here.
  • First time Nevada voters who did not provide proof of identification and residency when registering to vote will need to provide such proof when voting in person, and will then cast a provisional ballot. For more details, see the section below called “Provision Voting For First Time Voters.”
⬇️ Election Day Voting
  • Election Day is Tuesday, November 5, 2024.
  • Vote centers are open from 7am to 7pm on Election Day.
    • Any person may vote at any vote center in their county on Election Day (like voter centers during early voting).
    • The location of Election Day vote centers may not be the same as the location of vote centers during early voting. 
    • Check iwillvote.com/NV to find your closest Election Day Polling Place location.
  • First-time Nevada voters who did not provide proof of identification and residency when registering to vote will need to provide such proof when voting in person, and will then cast a provisional ballot. For more details, see the section below called “Provisional Voting For First Time Voters.”
⬇️ Provisional Ballot
  • Provisional Voting For First Time Voters – Identification Required
    • Proof of identification and residency is required for first time Nevada voters. Most voters supply this proof on their registration application. If you did not do so, or if the election officials were unable to match the ID you provided to their online records, you will need to provide this proof when you arrive to vote in person.
      • A current and valid NV Driver’s License or DMV-Issued NV ID or approved Tribal ID card is typically sufficient. 
      • If your ID does not include proof of your residence, you may be required to provide additional documentation to prove your current residence, such as a current paycheck, lease, bank statement or utility bill. 
      • A full list of acceptable documentation to prove identification and residency is here.
      • Note that for same-day registrations (and same-day registration updates), ONLY NV Driver’s License, NV-DMV issued ID, and approved Tribal IDs may be used as proof of identity (and other forms of ID such as Military ID and US Passport will not be accepted). 
  • Provisional Ballot If a Poll Worker Tells You That You Are Not Registered
    • If you know you registered to vote before October 8, 2024 in the county in which you are trying to vote, and the poll worker tells you you are not registered, ask the poll worker to look you up on the supplemental voter list. 
    • If the poll worker still cannot find you, insist on voting a provisional ballot. 
    • If they will not give you a provisional ballot, call the Voter Protection Hotline immediately for real-time assistance: (775) 574-VOTE (8683)
⬇️ Voters with a Disability

Voters with a Physical Disability

  • If you have a physical disability, and you want to vote in person (as opposed to by mail or electronically with EASE) note that:
    • All polling locations are accessible to voters with a disability. 
    • Any voter with a disability may receive assistance from another person. You can bring someone to help or ask anyone to help you except for: your employer, an official from your labor organization, or a candidate on the ballot (or a family member of a candidate).

Language Assistance or Reading Assistance 

  • A voter can bring an interpreter or someone to assist with reading of their choice into the polling booth. The only people who cannot serve as an interpreter or assist with voting are the voter’s employer, a labor union official, or a candidate on the ballot (or a family member of a candidate).

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