ICYMI: New BFP Ad Featuring Nevada Nurse Highlights President Biden’s Work Tto Lower Health Care Costs

Today, Biden for President released a new ad featuring a Nevada pediatric nurse talking about how President Biden is lowering health care and prescription drug costs for Nevada families after Donald Trump’s administration failed to deliver. The ad is airing in Nevada and other battleground states just as Donald Trump doubles down on his promise to repeal the Affordable Care Act if he returns to office. The Affordable Care Act ensures that as many as 487,000 nonelderly Nevadans with preexisting health conditions and 336,000 Nevadans enrolled in Medicaid expansion coverage have access to affordable health care. 

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NBC: Biden campaign hits Trump on health care in new TV ad

November 30, 2023

  • President Joe Biden’s re-election campaign will air a new TV ad nationally and in key battleground states focused on his administration’s plan to lower health care costs and prescription drug prices, according to a campaign official, hitting Trump on health care after the former president raised the prospect of repealing Obamacare.
  • The 60-second spot seeks to draw “a stark contrast” between Biden’s health care plans and Trump’s. More than 40 million Americans are covered under the Affordable Care Act, which passed in 2010 and which the Biden administration has built upon.
  • Entitled “Your Family,” the Biden campaign ad features a pediatric nurse from Nevada named Jody who says “the last administration’s policies were so troubling.”
  • The new Biden spot will run in Phoenix, Atlanta, Detroit, Las Vegas, Raleigh, Philadelphia and Milwaukee, according to the campaign. It will air in primetime during national programs like The Voice, Survivor and Bachelor in Paradise, as well as on national cable news, the Biden campaign official added.
  • “President Biden has made it a priority to lower costs and expand access to health care — and hard working Americans are seeing, and feeling, the results. It’s a stark contrast to Donald Trump’s America, where millions of Americans would lose their health care and see costs become even higher if his push to repeal the Affordable Care Act is successful,” said Biden-Harris 2024 campaign manager Julie Chavez Rodriguez.



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