No Matter How Hard He Tries, Robertson Can’t Escape His Dangerous Past on Abortion

Despite losing to Rep. Titus last November, Robertson launches a second bid for NV-1 and tries to paper over his far-right record

Mark Robertson announced he’s running for NV-1 months after losing in the same exact district to Congresswoman Dina Titus by 5.6 points. This time, however, he’s deploying an apparent strategy of hoping Nevadans forget his out-of-touch far-right platform of last cycle. In a conversation with the Las Vegas Review-Journal, he tried to rebrand himself through a “change in messaging” after his extremist positions didn’t fly with Nevadans – from rewriting history after pedaling election conspiracies to pretending he didn’t advocate for dangerous abortion policies.

Nevada State Democratic Party spokesperson Mallory Payne released the following statement:

“After Nevadans in NV-1 rejected his dangerous anti-choice platform, Mark Robertson is now trying to paper over his past and shed his far-right record of pushing for a 6-week abortion ban with no exceptions for rape or incest. Unfortunately for him a ‘change in messaging’ won’t be enough to convince voters he isn’t the same MAGA extremist he was just a few months ago.”

A brief history of the anti-choice record Robertson is hoping Nevada voters forget about:

  • Robertson applauded the SCOTUS ruling overturning Roe v. Wade.
  • Robertson vocalized his support for federal anti-choice legislation.
  • Robertson applauded Texas’ draconian 6-week abortion ban – with no exceptions for rape or incest – and encouraged other states to follow suit.
  • Robertson equated abortion to murder.



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