NV Dems Launch Mobile Billboard Highlighting Messy GOP Senate Primary Ahead of Trump Rally in Las Vegas

Fellow GOP candidates on Brown: “Perpetual losing candidate,” “Mitch McConnell’s favorite puppet,” “Swampy Scam Brown”

As Republicans gather for Donald Trump’s rally in Las Vegas today, the Nevada State Democratic Party is launching a mobile billboard to remind voters of the increasingly vicious attacks in the Senate GOP primary.

The crowded Senate primary has been nothing but a MAGA-fueled mess, with the entire GOP field attacking Sam Brown for his so-called “scam PAC” that swindled grassroots Republican donors, his establishment support and funding from Mitch McConnell, and his failed track record of losing every primary race he’s ever run.

Nevada State Democratic Party Spokesperson Katharine Kurz:

“As Trump heads to Las Vegas, we’re happy to remind Nevada voters just how messy and divisive the Republican Senate primary has become. Expect the attacks to ramp up as every candidate desperately vies for Trump’s attention at his chaotic rally.”  



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