5 Days of Lombardo’s Vetoes: Climate 

In June 2023, Joe Lombardo prioritized special interests over the interests of Nevadans by vetoing legislation that would have expanded access to reproductive health care, lowered costs for families, and kept our communities safe. Leading up to the primary, NV Dems are highlighting Lombardo’s harmful vetoes and how he and his hand-picked candidates are out of touch with Nevadans. 

After being the only governor elected or re-elected in 2022 to withdraw their state from the bipartisan U.S. Climate Alliance and ultimately selling out to Big Oil CEOs, Lombardo doubled down and deleted the state’s climate action plan without offering a replacement plan of his own. In an interview with The Nevada Independent, when asked about the status of the state climate plan his administration removed, Lombardo could only reply, “that’s a great question.” When pressed for a timeline on a new state climate plan, Lombardo admitted, “I don’t know what the answer is. I can’t put it on the website if it isn’t written.”  Last year, Lombardo also vetoed SB169 and AB144, bills which would have strengthened clean energy standards and efforts to mitigate the impacts of climate change.

Reno, NV is the fastest warming city in America and Las Vegas isn’t far behind. Despite Nevada being home to two of the fastest-warming cities in the country and Nevadans experiencing some of the worst effects of rampant wildfires and extreme heat, Lombardo continues to be unserious about the issue of climate change. 

“In 2021, Democrats put forth a strategic climate plan that focused on investing in clean energy development, heat mitigation, and building an all-around clean energy economy,” said Nevada State Democratic Party Spokesperson, Tai Sims. “After more than a year in office, Joe Lombardo has obstructed efforts to combat climate change and prepare Nevada for its dangerous effects, and he can’t even offer a single reason why he’s failed to come up with a plan to mitigate the impacts of climate change.”

If you missed earlier editions, you can find them here:

Monday: Education



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