5 Days of Lombardo’s Vetoes: Democracy and Transparency  

In June 2023, Joe Lombardo prioritized special interests over the interests of Nevadans by vetoing legislation that would have expanded access to reproductive health care, lowered costs for families, and kept our communities safe. Leading up to the primary, NV Dems are highlighting Lombardo’s harmful vetoes and how he and his hand-picked candidates are out of touch with Nevadans. 

One of Lombardo’s first acts following the 2022 election was establishing a dark money inaugural committee, breaking with bipartisan precedent all to keep Nevadans in the dark about his donors and where their donations are being spent. If that weren’t shay enough, last year, he was censured and fined by the Ethics Commission for violating ethics law during his gubernatorial campaign. In retaliation, Lombardo is now suing to eliminate the Ethics Commission altogether after his cronies – who he appointed days before his ethics hearing – couldn’t protect him from the law. 

Lombardo has also made protecting and uplifting election deniers central to his tenure. A recent report showed that Lombardo has endorsed multiple election deniers for elected office. In the state legislature races, Lombardo endorsed Carrie Buck who falsely claimed that “1,500 dead people voted in 2020;” Ken Gray, who said at a campaign rally in 2022, to a crowd of Trump supporters, “I do believe the election was stolen;” and Jill Dickman, who complained of “voter fraud” in a December 2020 Facebook post. In the Senate race, Lombardo is backing MAGA extremist Sam Brown, who has a long history of supporting election conspiracy theories and downplaying the violent events of January 6.  

Last legislative session, Lombardo vetoed SB133, a bill that would have established felony criminal penalties for fake electors who attempt to steal Nevada’s electoral votes, as six now-indicted Trump supporters did in 2020. He also vetoed SB60, which would have required constitutional officers, including himself, to disclose their inaugural committee donors.

“After vetoing Democrat-led legislation that would have improved transparency in campaign finance law and established felony criminal penalties for fake electors who attempt to steal Nevada’s electoral votes Joe Lombardo’s tenure has been riddled with ethics violations, shrouded in secrecy and focused solely on his own political gain,” said Nevada State Democratic Party spokesperson Tai Sims.

If you missed earlier editions, you can find them here:

Monday: Education, Tuesday: Climate, Wednesday: Health care



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