5 Days of Lombardo’s Vetoes: Education

In June 2023, Joe Lombardo prioritized special interests over the interests of Nevadans by vetoing legislation that would have expanded access to reproductive health care, lowered costs for families, and kept our communities safe. Leading up to the primary, NV Dems are highlighting Lombardo’s harmful vetoes and how he and his hand-picked candidates are out of touch with Nevadans. 

Last year, while food insecurity across Southern Nevada increased with an estimated one in five children uncertain where their next meal would come from, Joe Lombardo chose to leave our children hungry when he vetoed AB319 which guaranteed universal breakfast and lunch to public school students. In an interview with the Nevada Independent, Lombardo flat-out lied about vetoing that same legislation saying “I didn’t veto it.” 

A recent fact check found Lombardo’s veto excuse that meals are “thrown away” to be false. In fact, access to free school meals can make a sizable impact on students’ educational attainment, specifically improving student health and attendance, reducing disciplinary infractions, and increasing test scores among marginalized groups of students.

“Joe Lombardo might call himself the ‘education governor,’ but he isn’t fooling anyone,” said Nevada State Democratic Party spokesperson Tai Sims. “Last year, with the stroke of a pen he had the opportunity to provide guaranteed access to nutritious meals for Nevada children, delivering better learning and health outcomes for them, but instead he chose partisan politics over our students – then had the audacity to lie about it.”



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