5 Days of Lombardo’s Vetoes: Health Care 

In June 2023, Joe Lombardo prioritized special interests over the interests of Nevadans by vetoing legislation that would have expanded access to reproductive health care, lowered costs for families, and kept our communities safe. Leading up to the primary, NV Dems are highlighting Lombardo’s harmful vetoes and how he and his hand-picked candidates are out of touch with Nevadans. 

A report found that after vetoing AB250, a bill that would have lowered the price of Medicare-negotiated prescription drugs for all Nevadans, Joe Lombardo raked in nearly $100,000 in campaign cash from big drug companies. Prior to his veto, which cited “many arguments made by the [pharmaceutical] industry,” Lombardo had only received $11,000 from pharma interests. When given the opportunity to choose Nevadans over special interests, Lombardo put political self-interest over helping Nevadans. 

“Joe Lombardo is Nevada’s Chief Auctioneer, selling Nevadans to the highest bidder for a check. While Nevadans struggle to afford the cost of prescription drugs, Lombardo continues to reward his true beneficiaries: his big drug companies and special interests donors,” said Nevada State Democratic Party Spokesperson Tai Sims

If you missed earlier editions, you can find them here:

Monday: Education, Tuesday: Climate



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