After Weeks of Doubling Down on Toxic Support for Storing Nuclear Waste in Nevada, Sam Brown Now Claims Yucca Mountain Has “Never Been A Priority” for Him

Brown also claims he “did not know a ton about the history” of Yucca Mountain – an issue that has dominated Nevada politics for decades – while running for U.S. Senate in Nevada

Breaking new reporting from The Nevada Independent has revealed that this weekend, MAGA extremist Sam Brown claimed to a group of supporters that protecting Nevada from becoming the nation’s nuclear waste dump has “never been a priority” for him. 

Brown went on to say that he “did not know a ton about the history” of the Yucca Mountain Nuclear Waste Repository – a well-known and decades long political hot button issue with major implications for the health and safety of the state – while he was actively running to represent Nevada in the United States Senate. 

However, when Brown first came out in support of Yucca Mountain in 2022, he apparently knew enough about it to criticize the late Senator Harry Reid, a champion for keeping this project out of Nevada, of “fear mongering” and even accused Reid of having “a lack of understanding” about the issue. He was also caught on tape calling storing nuclear waste in Nevada an “incredible opportunity,” and proceeded to double down on his toxic support for the project in the weeks following the initial LA Times report.

No matter what Sam Brown says in a desperate effort to finally win an election on his third try – Nevadans aren’t buying it. 

Nevada State Democratic Party Spokesperson Katharine Kurz

“After weeks of doubling down on his toxic support for reviving Yucca Mountain, Sam Brown is now admitting that preventing Nevada from becoming a nuclear waste repository has never even been a priority for him and that he doesn’t even understand the long history of safety concerns with this misguided project. Brown is clearly not ready to be a U.S. Senator for the state of Nevada, and voters won’t forget where he really stands on forcing our state to be the entire nation’s dumping ground for nuclear waste.”



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