Ahead of Labor Day, NV Dems and Labor Leaders Slam Donald Trump and Republicans for Extreme Anti-Worker Project 2025 Agenda 

Ahead of Labor Day, Nevada State Democratic Party Chair Daniele Monroe-Moreno, Nevada State AFL-CIO Executive Secretary-Treasurer Susie Martinez, and Southern Nevada Building Trades Executive Secretary-Treasurer Vince Saavedra held a joint press conference to hold Donald Trump and Republicans accountable for their extreme Project 2025 agenda that would devastate Nevada workers. 

Project 2025, a radical right-wing agenda written by Trump’s closest aides would enact extreme, anti-worker policies in Nevada, raising taxes on middle-class working families by $2,500 a year, allowing employers to stop paying many workers overtime, and rolling back labor and workplace protections. As president, Trump gifted tax breaks to billionaires on the backs of the middle class. The top 1 percent making $2.5 million a year received the largest tax cuts under Trump and he made it easier for corporations to ship jobs overseas. 

MAGA extremists like Sam Brown have agendas that would devastate hardworking Nevadans. Brown’s campaign is being propped up by the same people who are writing Project 2025. Brown says he would have voted against the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and has openly attacked federal funding for the Brightline high-speed rail project between California and Las Vegas that will boost tourism and grow Nevada’s economy. Nevadans can’t trust Republicans like Trump’s allies to look out for unions and workers.

Watch the press conference HERE.

“Up and down the ballot, Democrats have been fighting for working people alongside our union brothers and sisters,” said Nevada State Democratic Party Chair Daniele Monroe-Moreno. “This could not be more different than the Republicans and their leader, the anti-worker Donald Trump. We cannot go back to four more years of Trump’s failed promises, of his anti-worker schemes and billionaire first scams.”

“Project 2025 is an attack on workers and their rights. It’s designed to weaken unions, take away labor protections, and reduce the bargaining power workers have,” said Nevada State AFL-CIO Executive Secretary-Treasurer Susie Martinez. “Solidarity is our strength, and together, we will stand united against Project 2025, and other attempts to undermine the hard work that union members have so tirelessly fought to improve working conditions and have a better life.”

 We know what it’s like to have two presidents, one who’s proven she’s pro-union, pro-labor, and another who shows they’re anti-union and all about big business,” said Southern Nevada Building Trades Executive Secretary-Treasurer Vince Saavedra. “As union members, especially in the construction industry, we pride ourselves in being, buying, building American. The American thing to do is vote for the candidate who’s proven they’re pro-labor and pro-union.”



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