Ahead of Medicare Anniversary, Reminder Senate Republicans Want to Gut Nevadans’ Benefits

Marchant, Brown would be another vote for Republicans’ devastating cuts 

Ahead of the anniversary of Medicare and Medicaid being signed into law, here’s your reminder that Senate Republicans still want to put Nevadans’ hard-earned benefits on the chopping block. 

Both Jim Marchant and Sam Brown would be yet another vote for Senate Republicans’ toxic agenda to gut Social Security and Medicare, which would drastically threaten care and benefits for hundreds of thousands of Nevadans. 

Marchant and Brown actively oppose the Inflation Reduction Act, which allowed for Medicare to negotiate lower prescription drug costs. Brown has also made clear that he’d push for across-the-board, “painful” cuts to federal spending – endangering the Medicare and Medicaid benefits that Nevadans rely on. 

Meanwhile, Senator Jacky Rosen has fought to protect and strengthen these vital programs – helping to pass new legislation to allow Medicare to negotiate lower prescription drug prices and cap out-of-pocket drug costs for seniors on Medicare. 

Nevada State Democratic Party Spokesperson Johanna Warshaw
“While Democrats remain committed to protecting Nevadans’ hard-earned benefits, Republicans like Jim Marchant and Sam Brown are hellbent on ripping them away. Republicans will only have themselves to blame when voters reject their toxic agenda once again next November.”  


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