Ahead of School Year, Legislators Slam Lombardo for Leaving Nevada Kids Hungry

Included in Lombardo’s Historic Veto Record is Legislation That Would Have Provided Guaranteed Meals for Students

This week, ahead of a new school year, state legislators and educators held press conferences in Reno and Las Vegas to hold Joe Lombardo accountable for his harmful vetoes that will leave students hungry, force parents to spend more money this year than last year and leave educators to pick up the pieces. 

Lombardo flat-out lied about vetoing legislation that would have provided guaranteed breakfast and lunch for public school students in an interview with the Nevada Independent saying “I didn’t veto it.” He chose to leave our children hungry when he vetoed AB319 which guaranteed breakfast and lunch in public schools. Access to school meals can make a sizable impact on students’ educational attainment, specifically improving student health and attendance, reducing disciplinary infractions, and increasing test scores among marginalized groups of students.

Today, Assembly Majority Floor Leader Sandra Jauregui and Assemblywoman Shea Backus submitted a bill draft request reintroducing legislation to implement a permanent, guaranteed school breakfast and lunch program in public schools. This bill would be the first step in giving parents and family relief at the grocery store by guaranteeing every student access to nutritious meals. 

“It’s just common sense. We know that kids learn better when they have the nourishment they need and their tummies are full when they get to school. Kids will go back to school across Nevada, some not knowing where their next meal is going to come from,” said State Senator Roberta Lange. “We all know that the Governor vetoed the bill. We will work hard in the next legislative session to provide a school meal bill to help our children, but unfortunately, this year, they’re not going to have what they need.”

“Democrats prioritized students and their education and chose to move our students forward while Lombardo was scheming to take credit for investments passed this legislative session,” said Assemblywoman Shea Backus. “SB231 invests an additional $250 million in matching funds for school districts to raise pay for educators and support staff. Democrats are committed to ensuring that students can receive a quality education, and by boosting pay for these critical positions, we ensure that our students are set up for success both in and out of the classroom.”

“We as educators and we as Democrats believe that every student deserves access to education ensuring that our schools are fully equipped to meet those needs of our students. SB148, which was vetoed by Governor Lombardo, had minimum staffing for security and custodians in our schools. There’s not enough individuals to help them,” said Assemblywoman Natha Anderson. “As Democrats, we want students to come to school knowing that they are cared for.”

“It’s a simple act to show that we care about the well being of all of our kids, all of our students across our state, children from families of color are far more likely to struggle with hunger and face additional problems because of the situation that they’re in,” said Assemblywoman Angie Taylor. “It eliminates some of the social stigma–everybody has guaranteed lunches and breakfast. And at the end of the day, it improves our learning outcomes. If we wanted to improve our standings in education as a state, this would allow students to just focus on one thing. No students should feel embarrassed because of their family financial situation.”

“Last session, my colleagues and I worked very hard on education, we had record investments in education, we passed the bills. Unfortunately, a lot of that good work was hampered by frankly, cruel vetoes that put the needs of politicians and making political points ahead of our children,” said Assemblywoman Selena La Rue Hatch. This is what it’s going to look like this school year. Kids are going to come back not having gotten access to summer school, not getting the support that they needed to catch up on learning loss, on absenteeism, on reading levels.”

Watch Monday’s press conference in Reno HERE.



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