ALERT: Sam Brown Refuses to Support Nevada’s Legal Cannabis Industry, Won’t Back Bipartisan Safe Banking Legislation

While Rosen gets high marks for being “a strong advocate for cannabis policy reform,” Sam Brown failed to answer any questions supporting Nevada’s cannabis industry that sustains hundreds of small businesses, thousands of jobs, and millions of dollars in tax revenue for the state

In a recent questionnaire for the Marijuana Policy Project, MAGA extremist Sam Brown refused to support legislation to strengthen Nevada’s cannabis small businesses, including the bipartisan SAFER Banking Act that would ensure local cannabis businesses have access to the same banking and financial services other businesses do. The legal cannabis industry has been a crucial part of Nevada’s economy since 2017, helping sustain good-paying jobs and crucial tax revenue.

Meanwhile, Jacky Rosen has been working across the aisle and helping lead efforts to pass the SAFER Banking Act. She’s also been fighting to ensure Nevada’s cannabis industry has access to the same federal funding and resources as other small businesses as a way to keep diversifying and growing our state’s economy. 

Nevada State Democratic Party Spokesperson Katharine Kurz 

“The legal cannabis industry is growing our state’s economy and creating new jobs for Nevadans, which is why Jacky Rosen has been a strong advocate in the Senate for ensuring these small businesses have a level playing field. Sam Brown’s refusal to support these Nevada small businesses is yet another example of his ‘extremely conservative’ stances being deeply unpopular and out of touch with voters across our state.” 



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