Another Trump Presidency Would Increase Risk of Gun Violence in Nevada

If Donald Trump is elected to a second term in the White House, our nation would only become more dangerous. Despite numerous mass shootings taking place during Trump’s presidency, Trump still opposed numerous commonsense gun safety measures throughout his tenure. Now, he’s calling for reckless policies that would make our children less safe. One thing is for certain: Trump’s refusal to stand up to the gun lobby would endanger families across Nevada.

Nevadans would become less safe under another Trump presidency:

  • While he was president, Trump prioritized the interests of the gun lobby over the safety of Nevadans and refused to work toward implementing commonsense gun safety policies, including universal background checks and barring the sale of assault weapons and high-capacity magazines.
  • Trump has proposed arming teachers with concealed weapons, which would only make it more dangerous for children to go to school.
  • He has pledged to sign a concealed carry reciprocity bill that would override state laws and make it more difficult for law enforcement to combat gun violence.



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