Anti-Choice Extremists in D.C. and Top McConnell Allies Rush to Support Brown, Despite No Endorsements from Nevadans

Anti-choice extremists, top Mitch McConnell allies, and the Koch network are rushing to support failed politician Sam Brown, but he appears to be missing one critical endorsement: anyone from the state of Nevada. 

The list of far-right establishment figures and organizations backing Brown include:

Meanwhile, Brown’s campaign hasn’t released a single endorsement from Nevada – another sign of the troubles he’s facing in-state after moving to Nevada from Texas just a few years ago and immediately trying to run for office. 

Nevada State Democratic Party Spokesperson Johanna Warshaw

“Mitch McConnell and his D.C. allies are scraping the bottom of the barrel in Nevada – and the only candidate they could find is a carpetbagger and failed politician whose latest campaign is defined by dodging questions and running away from his extreme anti-choice election denier record.”


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