As Lombardo Continues To Undermine Climate Action, Reno Becomes America’s Fastest Warming City

New reporting on Earth Day shows that Reno, NV is the fastest warming city in America. Despite Nevada being home to two of the fastest-warming cities in the country and Nevadans experiencing some of the worst effects of rampant wildfires, Lombardo continues to be unserious about the issue of climate change. In an interview with The Nevada Independent, when asked about the status of the state climate plan his administration removed, Lombardo could only reply, “that’s a great question.” When pressed for a timeline on a new state climate plan, Lombardo admitted, “I don’t know what the answer is. I can’t put it on the website if it isn’t written.” After being the only governor elected or re-elected in 2022 to withdraw their state from the bipartisan U.S. Climate Alliance and ultimately selling out to Big Oil companies, Lombardo doubled down and deleted the state’s climate action plan without offering a replacement plan of his own. 

“In 2021, Democrats put forth a strategic climate plan that focused on investing in clean energy development, heat mitigation, and building an all-around clean energy economy that Joe Lombardo removed,” said Nevada State Democratic Party Spokesperson, Tai Sims. “As Nevada gets warmer and Reno becomes America’s fastest warming city, Lombardo continues to undermine efforts to address climate change and its devastating impacts all while instead serving the special interests that back him.”



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