As Medicare Begins Process to Negotiate Lower Prescription Drug Prices, Nevadans Reminded That Sam Brown Opposes Cost Savings  

Today, the first 10 prescription drugs that are up for Medicare price negotiations were announced – a move that Mitch McConnell’s handpicked candidate Sam Brown called a “big loss for the American people.”

Brown and the GOP field have vocally opposed the Inflation Reduction Act and its cost-saving provisions for Nevada families to cap insulin costs at $35/month for seniors and give Medicare the power to negotiate for lower prescription drug prices.

If Brown had it his way, the Inflation Reduction Act would be repealed and the cost of many prescription drugs for Nevada seniors and families would skyrocket – all so the biggest drug companies continue to see their profits rise.

Nevada State Democratic Party Spokesperson Johanna Warshaw
“Sam Brown would rather boost profits for drug companies than put more money back in the pockets of hardworking Nevadans. That should tell voters everything they need to know about how McConnell’s anointed candidate would fight for corporate special interests at their expense in Washington.”


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