As Primary Heats Up, Sam “Trump Motivated Me” Brown Goes on Right-Wing Media Tour to Appeal to MAGA Base

After dodging interviews for months, Sam Brown spent his weekend trying to win over the far-right wing of his party during an “embarrassing to watch” round of interviews

After months of dodging interviews while the GOP primary heated up, Sam Brown went on a right-wing media tour over the weekend, joining Fox News, OAN, Newsmax, and conservative talk radio to tout his support for the disgraced former president who lost Nevada twice. 

Brown’s desperate effort to appeal to the MAGA base and cozy up to Trump included praising the former president – saying Trump’s “leadership is what has driven me to try and join him in D.C” – and bragging about being an “active volunteer” for Trump’s past campaigns. Brown even went as low as attacking the late Senator Harry Reid, who served Nevada for decades and passed away more than two years ago. 

It’s a far cry from six months ago when Brown refused to even mention Trump’s name and declined to endorse the disgraced former president. Brown eventually caved to primary pressure from his MAGA opponents in January and has reinvented himself as a Trump acolyte.

Get the lowlights from Brown’s whirlwind Trump “Motivated Me” right-wing media tour that Jon Ralston dubbed “embarrassing to watch”: 

Fox News: Army vet Sam Brown looks to upset Dems in Nevada Senate race: Trump ‘motivated me’ 

  • “President Trump had led the right way and his America First priorities had our country on a great track. Eight years ago it was his America First vision that led me to enthusiastically vote for him and seeing the results that he had is what motivated me four years ago to be such an active volunteer.”
  • “Even Eric Trump came and visited me and my family, just in appreciation for how much work I did at the grassroots level, and now President Trump and his leadership is what has driven me to try and join him in D.C.”
  • “We need to take out Harry Reid’s last remnant through Jacky Rosen.”

One American News: Cpt Brown On His Senatorial Run In Nevada

  • “Eight years ago I … voted for President Trump. Four years ago I was so excited about his leadership and the policies that was making America great again.” 
  • “Four years ago, I took my activism out and knocked doors, I volunteered for President Trump.”

Kevin Wall Radio Show

  • “Nevadans are doing great as well with President Trump now very clearly leading in the polls here.”



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