Biden Campaign Co-Chair: Voters in Nevada Are One of His Top Priorities

After President Biden and Vice President Harris announced this week they’re running for re-election to finish the job, Biden-Harris campaign co-chair Rep. Veronica Escobar took to the airwaves in Las Vegas and Reno to discuss the president and vice president’s record of protecting freedoms and the critical role Nevada will play in 2024.

The Biden-Harris campaign launched their first ad on Wednesday in six key battleground states, including Nevada. 

Watch on KSNV in Las Vegas:

Rep. Escobar: “It is a critical state when you look at the electoral map, and so the campaign wants to make sure that we are reaching out to everybody everywhere, but there are some states that are priorities for us like Nevada.”

KSNV: “The main focus of this ad, and she says of his reelection for that matter, is America’s freedom and that includes women’s reproductive rights.”

Watch on KTVN in Reno:

Rep. Escobar: “Nevadans are going to see a lot more ad buys, they’re going to see a lot of GOTV Get-Out-The-Vote activity, a lot of engagement with Nevadans.” 



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