BREAKING: Brown and GOP Senate Field Under Scrutiny for Backing Efforts to Eliminate the Department of Education 

MAGA extremist candidates Sam Brown, Jeff Gunter and Jim Marchant have all supported extreme measures to dismantle the Department of Education

MAGA extremist Sam Brown and the GOP field for Senate in Nevada are facing scrutiny for backing radical efforts to abolish the Department of Education and put federal funding for Nevada students and teachers at risk, according to a new report from the Nevada Independent.

Brown has repeatedly called for eliminating the Department of Education and even pledged to get rid of any federal agencies that have a state-level counterpart during the 2022 GOP primary debate. If Brown had his way on abolishing the Department of Education, it would put critical funding for Pell Grants, community colleges, special education, career and technical education, and other essential services for Nevada students on the chopping block.

Read more about Brown and other MAGA Senate candidates’ extreme support for abolishing the Department of Education and the disastrous impact it could have on Nevada schools here: 

The Nevada Independent: Decades-old idea of axing federal Department of Education revived in Nevada Senate race 

April 8, 2024

  • In 2022, Sam Brown, then running as an insurgent GOP Senate primary rival against establishment-backed Adam Laxalt, proposed eliminating the federal agency tasked with administering financial aid, collecting data about schools and monitoring educational programs and discrimination: the Department of Education.
  • In a debate, Brown called for cutting the agency, among other Cabinet-level agencies, to reduce federal spending and cut into the federal deficit. At the time, Brown suggested that departments that exist at the state level, such as education or transportation, do not need a federal counterpart.
  • …Brown’s primary challengers this time around are taking up the agency abolition mantle, a proposal with potentially drastic implications on student financial aid and federal accountability of schools. 
  • Jeff Gunter, the U.S. ambassador to Iceland under former President Donald Trump, and former Nevada secretary of state candidate Jim Marchant, a vocal denier of the 2020 election results, each list eliminating the Department of Education as policy goals on their campaign websites, with Gunter referring to the agency as “useless and unneeded.” Trump said last year that he supported closing the department, but his efforts to rein in the agency during his presidency fell flat.
  • [Brown’s] campaign said he still considers the department bloated and is interested in cutting programs that are redundant with state agencies.
  • Sen. Jacky Rosen (D-NV) panned Brown as a “MAGA extremist” nonetheless who would support abolishing federal agencies
  • “Eliminating the Department of Education would be a disaster for Nevada — resulting in massive cuts to our schools and dire consequences for students in kindergarten all the way through college,” Rosen said in a statement to The Nevada Independent.



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