BREAKING: Days After Trump Celebrated the Reversal of Roe and Hoped for an Economic Crash, Lombardo Endorses Trump

Today, Joe Lombardo proved that he’s just as spineless as Nevadans have always known him to be by announcing his endorsement of Donald Trump just days after Trump bragged about his role in the reversal of Roe v. Wade and hoped for an economic crash.

Last week at a town hall, Trump again bragged about his role in the downfall of Roe v. Wade that resulted in ripping away abortion care access from women across America – and it’s clear that Lombardo wants to take it further. This week, it was revealed that Lombardo hosted a fundraiser at the governor’s mansion for Nevada Right to Life, a radical anti-choice group that “opposes abortion at all stages of pregnancy.”

Trump also recently called for an economic crash as Nevada families and the state’s economy continue to recover. Lombardo is now endorsing Trump’s implicit declaration that he doesn’t care if Nevadans are crushed, as well as the former president’s failed trickle-down agenda that made the ultra-wealthy and corporations richer off of the backs of hardworking Nevada families. 

“Lombardo is proving again that he has always been in Trump’s pocket and will continue to be a ‘big advantage’ to him in office. By supporting someone who devoted his presidency to taking away our rights and has said that he will be a ‘dictator on day one’ of his presidency, it’s becoming all the more clear that Lombardo would rather sell out Nevadans than do what is best for Nevada,” said Nevada State Democratic Party Spokesperson Stephanie Justice. “Make no mistake: if Trump is sent back to the White House, Lombardo will aid him in stripping Nevadans of their hard-earned freedoms and squander economic opportunity for our families.”



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