Brown Scrubs Website After Failing To Disclose Leadership Position At Anti-Choice Group

Brown has anti-choice group erase his image and bio from website after getting called out for efforts to conceal affiliation from voters

After new reporting revealed that Mitch McConnell’s handpicked candidate Sam Brown tried to hide his leadership position with a radical anti-choice organization in apparent violation of federal law, he’s now been caught trying to erase his close ties to the group from their website altogether.

According to the Las Vegas Sun, “Brown was still featured prominently on the Nevada Faith & Freedom Coalition’s website, both on its homepage and its ‘about’ section until shortly after the Sun reached out to Brown’s campaign Tuesday.”

It’s yet another blatant and desperate attempt from Brown to clean up his extreme views on abortion that include banning abortion without exceptions for rape or incest.

Nevada State Democratic Party Spokesperson Johanna Warshaw
“Sam Brown deleting sections of his anti-choice organization’s website – only after he was called out for hiding it – won’t change the fact that he proudly ran the state arm of a radical group that has backed some of the most restrictive abortion bans in the nation. This is yet another blatant and disingenuous attempt from Brown to clean up his extreme views opposing abortion rights that Nevada voters aren’t going to buy.”



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