Caught On Tape: John Lee: “I’m Not Worried About Black People”

Newly unearthed audio caught NVGOP Congressional candidate, MAGA extremist John Lee, making racist remarks in a room of supporters saying, “I’m not worried about Black people.” North Las Vegas touts the largest concentration of Black voters of any NV Congressional district and is represented by the Chair of the Congressional Black Caucus, who Lee called “the most racist people in the world” with an objective for “self-domination in Congress.” 15% of NV-04 residents are Black, and behind closed doors, John Lee said how he really feels about the community he’s running to represent.

Last month, NVGOP’s state Assembly leadership was caught on tape telling supporters that “very conservative, MAGA MAGA” candidates need to “present moderate” in order to be elected, and John Lee is a perfect example.

John Lee is unfit to serve,” said Nevada State Democratic Party Chair Daniele Monroe-Moreno. “Nevada is one of the most diverse states in our country and racist remarks of any kind have no place in Nevada. Following his reprehensible comments about Black people, the NRCC and NVGOP must either condemn John Lee’s offensive remarks or explain to Nevadans why they won’t.”

Read more about John Lee’s racist remarks below:

Huffpost: “Nevada GOP Candidate Says He’s ‘Not Worried About Black People’ In His Bid For Congress”

Jennifer Bendery

Key Points:

  • Republican congressional candidate John Lee said in a new audio obtained by HuffPost that he’s “not worried about Black people” and mocked his Democratic opponent in Nevada, Rep. Steven Horsford, for being chair of the Congressional Black Caucus.
  • “They made him chair of the Black Caucus. Whoop-de-doo,” Lee said last Monday at a campaign meet-and-greet. “I’m from North Las Vegas. I’m not worried about Black people. You know?”
  • “They’re the most racist people in the world,” the GOP congressional hopeful said. “They have one objective, and that is for self-domination in Congress.”
  • Beyond being offensive, Lee’s remarks about not being concerned about Black people can’t be helpful electorally, either. [Lee is] running for a seat in Nevada’s 4th Congressional District, which is 15% Black.
  • HuffPost attempted to contact Lee for comment. Weirdly, Lee, the former mayor of North Las Vegas and a former state legislator, does not provide any contact information on his campaign site, and a Google search yielded no information about a campaign manager or any other point of contact. HuffPost left messages for Lee via social media and with the treasurer listed on his Federal Election Commission form when he filed to run in this race.



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