Community Leaders Across Nevada Gather to Sound the Alarm on Sam Brown’s Extreme Agenda

Brown’s agenda to ban abortion, repeal the Affordable Care Act and dismantle the Department of Education will hurt hardworking Nevada families 

Local leaders from across the state gathered this week to sound the alarm on how Republican Senate candidate Sam Brown’s agenda is too extreme for Nevada. Brown’s MAGA agenda includes pushing to ban abortion, repealing the Affordable Care Act, dismantling the Department of Education, and storing the nation’s nuclear waste in Nevada.

See more about what local advocates and experts have to say about how dangerous Brown’s agenda is and the stakes of the U.S. Senate election: 


Key Points:

  • Brown’s promise to repeal the ACA would impact more than 360,000 Nevadans.
  • Republican VP candidate J.D. Vance recently admitted the Trump Administration would continue working to repeal the ACA if elected.


Key Points:

  • Brown’s support for abolishing the Department of Education would eliminate $2.5 billion for Nevada schools.
  • Pell Grants and support for community colleges would be upended. 


Key Points:

  • Sam Brown and Republicans in the Senate will pass a federal abortion ban if given the opportunity. 
  • Brown has repeatedly tried to hide his extreme anti-abortion record, including hiding his role as the local leader of an extreme anti-abortion group that supports a national ban.

KTVN: NVDEMS launch litany against Sam Brown/RNC

Josh Meny 

August 1, 2024 

Key Points:

  • We are less than 100 days away from the November general election, and the campaigns are fully committed to deploying themes to attack their opponents.
  • The Nevada Democratic Party is hosting the “Sam Brown: Too Extreme for Nevada Tour,” which will make stops across the state.
  • On Thursday, they brought together local advocates to discuss policy issues related to their political differences with Republican U.S. Senate Candidate for Nevada, Sam Brown.
  • The Nevada Democrats have launched a list of issues they have been using to criticize Sam Brown.
  • The Republican party platform does call for drastic government change, including closing the Department of Education and leaving education up to the States.
  • Assemblywoman Selena La Rue Hatch, a public school history teacher, says it would create chaos in school funding nationwide.
  • “He wants to get rid of the Department of Education, which is an extreme MAGA policy that puts him out of line with everyone in my district,” said (D) AD25 Assemblywoman Selena La Rue Hatch. “That would mean we lose 2.5 Billion dollars in funding for Nevada schools. It means the end of Pell Grants and support for community colleges,” said Selena La Rue Hatch.
  • CWA union president Marc Ellis discussed Brown and the Republican promise to repeal the Affordable Care Act, Which would impact more than 360,000 Nevadans.
  • “Some of my members don’t make as much as others and need this Affordable Care Act. To strip it away would be devastating, and it also takes away one more thing I have to collectively bargain for,” Communications Workers of America (CWA) President Marc Ellis.
  • In an article by NOTIS, JD Vance Is Filling In Trump’s Policy Gaps, Republican vice-presidential candidate J.D. Vance was quoted as saying the Trump administration will work to repeal Obamacare, otherwise known as the Affordable Care Act. Vance argues that the ACA is making the healthcare system more expensive and of lesser quality for most working Americans.
  • We spoke to a Nevada college student who relied on the ACA to survive childhood cancer.
  • “The Affordable Care Act actually came into place for children on March 10th, 2010, and I was diagnosed with cancer on March 12th, 2010,” said Ivy Batmale.
  • At the age of five years old, Ivy Batmale was diagnosed with Leukemia ALL and will have pre-existing conditions for the rest of her life.
  • “There were multiple times where my family and I witnessed other patients in the hospital who weren’t able to have the same coverage because of insurance companies excluding them from certain types of coverage or them just not being able to afford the treatments that they need, and then potentially losing their homes,” said Ivy Batmale.
  • Longtime abortion rights advocate Laura Fitzsimmons, responsible for the 1990 referendum safeguarding the state’s law legalizing in Nevada, says if Sam Brown helps Republicans take the majority in the Senate, they will have the legislative power to pass a national ban.
  • “We know what the United States Supreme Court will do. And federal law trumps, I hate to use that word, state law. So, if there’s a determination, federally, that fetus is the same line that this faith and freedom coalition for which Sam Brown has hidden his very recent support,” said Laura Fitzsimmons.
  • “He is the wrong choice for our state. In his own words, he says he is quoted extremely conservative, we should listen to him, and we should believe him,” said (D) former Nevada Attorney General Frankie Sue Del Pappa.



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