Congressman Horsford Statement on Donald Trump Cozying Up to the NRA, Again

Today, Congressional Black Caucus Chair Congressman Steven Horsford (NV-4) released the following statement ahead of Donald Trump’s speech to the National Rifle Association’s Presidential Forum:

“Nevada is no stranger to the threat of gun violence. On October 1, 2017, Las Vegas became the site of the worst mass shooting in our nation’s history, and we’re now recovering from yet another mass shooting at UNLV – a place that should be a safe haven for our community. From Parkland, to El Paso, to Dayton, communities in Nevada and across the country begged for our leaders to implement measures to curb gun violence, yet Donald Trump ignored our calls. Instead, Trump continued to cave to the NRA and repeatedly opposed gun safety legislation that would have protected our families. Trump’s only response to victims of gun violence is telling them to ‘get over it,’ but Nevadans deserve better.

“The issue of gun violence is personal for me. That’s why I’m proud we have two gun violence prevention champions in President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris and to have voted to pass their historic Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, enacting commonsense policies that will save Nevadans’ lives. Their commitment to curbing gun violence doesn’t stop at legislation – it was this White House that opened the first Office of Gun Violence Prevention.In stark contrast, Trump has already shown us what he’ll do to address the gun violence epidemic if he gets a second term as president: bow to the gun lobby and deliver absolutely nothing to keep our communities safe. This November, we must reject Donald Trump once again and reelect President Biden and Vice President Harris so that they can continue to fight to keep Nevada families safe.”



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