COUNTDOWN: 4 Days Until Sam Brown “Debates”

Brown called Adam Laxalt a “career politician” who’s “cowardly hiding from voters” for refusing to debate in 2022 – will hypocrite Sam Brown follow suit?

After skipping every GOP primary debate and facing heavy criticism from his fellow MAGA primary candidates, Sam Brown has said he would start debating after the campaign filing deadline on March 15th. 

But just two years ago, Sam Brown was the one heavily criticizing his opponent Adam Laxalt for “cowardly hiding from voters” and refusing to debate in primetime. 


This cycle, Brown has refused to attend multiple primary debates in a desperate attempt to avoid defending his toxic record that includes his late-to-the-game endorsement of Trump after failed attempts to hide his extreme MAGA views, his scam PAC that swindled grassroots Republican donors to pay off his own campaign debts, and his extreme and widely unpopular opposition to abortion rights. 

Nevada State Democratic Party Spokesperson Katharine Kurz 

“Sam Brown has become the exact typical career politician that he was so critical of during his last failed Senate campaign. Brown is skipping debates because he knows he can’t answer for his toxic record – and only time will tell if he keeps this latest campaign promise and finally joins the debate stage after March 15th.”



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