Donald Trump Doubles Down on the Big Lie in Nevada

At his rally in Reno yesterday, Donald Trump once again attacked our democratic institutions and doubled down on undermining the will of Nevada voters. Trump thanked the three fake electors in attendance – NV GOP Chair Michael McDonald, NV GOP Vice Chair Jim Hindle, and Clark County GOP Chair (and candidate for NV Assembly) Jesse Law – for attempting to steal the election for him and complained that they’ve been treated “very unfairly” a mere day before they were set to be arraigned.

“Donald Trump is once again stoking political division and violence by continuing to push the Big Lie and would do anything – including throw out Nevadans’ votes – to take power and force his extreme agenda on our state,” said Nevada State Democratic Party Chair Daniele Monroe-Moreno. “Trump tried to overturn Nevadans’ rebuke of him once, and he is showing us that he’s willing to do it again. Voters know the danger Trump poses in 2024 and will reject his assaults on democracy and Big Lie Republicans once again.”



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