Donald Trump, MAGA NV GOP Endorsers Would Rip Away Nevadans’ Freedoms

Donald Trump was just endorsed by Republicans Sen. Ira Hansen (SD-14), Sen. Lisa Krasner (SD-16), Asm. Alexis Hansen (AD-32) and Asm. Ken Gray (AD-39), and it’s no surprise why: Trump and these extreme Republicans have all pushed an unpopular, anti-choice agenda that could destroy Nevadans’ rights and freedoms.

“Trump and his newest endorsers have only one goal in mind: to rip away Nevadans’ rights and force their extreme, unpopular agenda on the Silver State,” said Nevada State Democratic Party Chair Daniele Monroe-Moreno. “Nevadans know that their freedoms hang in the balance in 2024. They’ve already rejected Donald Trump twice, and they’ll reject him a third time in November.”

Trump and MAGA Republicans want to rip away Nevada women’s reproductive freedom:

  • Trump continues to brag about his role in the fall of Roe v. Wade and is pushing a national abortion ban that would supersede Nevada’s state law protecting the right to choose.
  • All four of these MAGA legislators have opposed protecting Nevada women’s reproductive rights – including voting against SB131, which codifies protections for out-of-state patients and abortion providers, and SJR7, which would enshrine abortion protections in Nevada’s state constitution.



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