EXCLUSIVE: Joe Lombardo’s Holiday Party Guest List Made Public

‘Tis the season for people to surround themselves with their loved ones and those most important to them, and Joe Lombardo is doing just that by cozying up to his cronies and special interest donors and inviting them to his holiday party. It comes as no surprise that his holiday party is exclusive to his billionaire donors and special interests – Nevada families can stay home. It will surely be an over-the-top gift exchange given the favors Lombardo has already doled out to his friends and leaving hardworking Nevadans with a pile of coal.

  • SLUMLORD ROBERT BIGELOW: Of course, billionaire slumlord Robert Bigelow was the first person on Lombardo’s guest list. He couldn’t forget to invite Bigelow after he backed his gubernatorial candidacy by the tens of millions. This invitation is just the latest instance of Lombardo expressing his gratitude to Bigelow, with the most critical previous example being his vetoing multiple housing reform bills that would have helped save Nevada families from experiencing the resulting skyrocketing eviction and foreclosure rates.
  • DONALD TRUMP: Even though he may pretend to try to distance himself from Trump publicly, Lombardo couldn’t resist inviting the corrupt former president to remain in the good graces of “the greatest president” who helped get him elected as governor. Remember: Trump said that having Lombardo in office was going to be a “big advantage” for him politically.
  • FAKE ELECTORS MICHAEL MCDONALD AND JESSE LAW: Nevada GOP Chair Michael McDonald and Clark County GOP Chair (and Assembly candidate) Jesse Law are two of the six recently-indicted fake electors who attempted to steal the election for Trump, and they and Lombardo go way back. Lombardo has been silent since the indictments, holding his favorite conspiracy theorists close.
  • ANTI-ABORTION ALLIES: Despite Nevada voters overwhelmingly having voted for the current law enshrining abortion rights into the state’s constitution, Lombardo has declared his support for a strict, statewide abortion ban in Nevada and vetoed critical protections for contraception access. That’s why it isn’t shocking at all that anti-choice activists like Heidi Kasama, who voted against multiple pieces of legislation to further protect reproductive freedom, have been invited to party at the governor’s mansion this year.
  • BIG OIL LOBBYISTS: Lombardo was the only governor elected or re-elected in 2022 to withdraw their state from the bipartisan U.S. Climate Alliance, a coalition of governors committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, ultimately selling out to Big Oil. There’s no question that Big Oil’s biggest advocates will always be invited to the celebration.
  • BIG PHARMA: One of the biggest gifts Lombardo has given this year was his veto of AB250, which would have allowed every Nevadan – not just Nevadans on Medicare – to reap the benefits of lower prescription drug costs under the Inflation Reduction Act. One thing is for certain: Lombardo will always put the profits of special interests over the health of Nevada families.

BONUS: We also found his holiday shopping list! 



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