Extreme Anti-Abortion Republicans Like Sam Brown Paved the Way for Near-Total Arizona Abortion Ban

The Arizona Supreme Court ruling yesterday in favor of a near-total abortion ban underscores a simple fact: This is the world that extreme anti-abortion Republican politicians like Sam Brown have created. 

Overturning Roe v. Wade paved the way for states across the country to enact cruel and dangerous attacks on reproductive rights, including Alabama’s effort to restrict IVF treatment and the recent U.S. Supreme Court hearings on the abortion medication Mifepristone.

Over the past decade, Brown has made his opposition to abortion rights clear. He has repeatedly supported abortion bans with no exceptions for rape or incest, like the one in Arizona, and he strongly supported overturning Roe v. Wade. His decade-long extreme anti-abortion history includes:

  • Backing an extreme abortion ban in Texas with no exceptions for rape or incest that was considered one of the “toughest restrictions in the country.” 
  • Strongly supporting efforts to overturn Roe v. Wade.
  • Saying he would only vote for anti-abortion Supreme Court justices and federal judges.
  • Serving as the local president of a national anti-choice organization that has backed a nationwide abortion ban, called Roe v. Wade a “moral atrocity,” and praised Texas’ extreme abortion ban. 
  • Declaring that his anti-abortion position is “non-negotiable.”

Nevada State Democratic Party Spokesperson Katharine Kurz 

“MAGA extremist Sam Brown paved the way for these attacks on reproductive freedom and would continue to endanger abortion rights if elected to the U.S. Senate. If anti-abortion Republicans like Brown had their way, they would continue doing everything they can to restrict and ban abortion across the country, including here in Nevada.”



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