Extremists Sue to Block Reproductive Rights Measure as Nevada GOP Candidates Stake Out Radical Positions on Abortion Rights

From U.S. Senate to State Assembly, MAGA Republicans up and down the ticket embrace far right wing on abortion rights

Yesterday, anti-abortion extremists filed a lawsuit to block a ballot initiative meant to give Nevadans the opportunity to enshrine abortion rights into our state’s Constitution. Nevada Republicans are fully aligned with these extremists, and Republican candidates up and down the ballot have consistently opposed protecting abortion rights, birth control, and other private medical decisions. That’s despite Nevada being one of the most pro-choice states in the country where polling from earlier this year showed wide support for the ballot initiative across the political and demographic spectrum.

Senate candidate Sam Brown has openly embraced “one of the strictest anti-abortion measures in the country” during his first failed run for office in Texas, and even called his support for banning abortion “non-negotiable.” He was also recently caught attending a gala for Nevada Right to Life, a radical anti-choice group that “opposes abortion at all stages of pregnancy.”

Assemblywoman Heidi Kasama, who is aiming to bring her anti-choice agenda to Congress, voted against bipartisan legislation protecting out-of-state patients and abortion providers from prosecution by anti-choice states like Alabama, from which women are being forced to travel due to the state’s near-total abortion ban. During the 2023 session, she joined Nevada’s GOP legislators in unanimously opposing a similar measure to protect private medical decisions regarding abortion and reproductive health in the state constitution. 

Despite consistently trying to have it both ways, even Joe Lombardo recently stated he would support radically changing Nevada’s current abortion laws to institute a 15-week abortion ban.

“From the top of the ticket on down, Nevada GOP candidates have run to the MAGA extreme on abortion rights, supporting radical policies that would let politicians interfere in private medical decisions of women and their doctors,” said Nevada State Democratic Party Spokesperson Stephanie Justice. “Nevadans overwhelmingly back protecting reproductive rights in our state constitution, and Republicans and their extremist allies are terrified of letting ordinary Nevada voters have their say. Frivolous lawsuits won’t protect them from being held accountable at the ballot box next year.” 



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