Former Trump Ambassador Jeffrey Ross Gunter Officially Joins Crowded GOP Field for Nevada Senate

Gunter will face off against Jim Marchant and Sam Brown in messy, crowded primary

Former Trump Ambassador and GOP megadonor Jeffrey Ross Gunter officially launched his campaign for U.S. Senate in Nevada today – joining the increasingly crowded and messy GOP primary field. 

Gunter will have to face off against former Assemblyman Jim Marchant and Mitch McConnell’s handpicked candidate Sam Brown in a damaging primary that will push every candidate even further to the right and out of step with Nevadans. Gunter has already spent the past few weeks attacking Brown as a “serial election loser” who is “trying to dance around the idea of Donald Trump.”

Nevada State Democratic Party Spokesperson Johanna Warshaw
“The Republican Senate primary in Nevada is growing more crowded and more MAGA by the day. No matter who emerges from this extreme field of candidates, it’s clear they will be entirely out of step with hardworking Nevadans.” 

Here’s what you need to know about the growing GOP field for Senate in Nevada:

  • The GOP in-fighting is only escalating in Nevada. Gunter and Marchant have repeatedly attacked Brown for being Mitch McConnell’s handpicked candidate and refusing to endorse Trump’s presidential bid, despite Brown embracing the former president and his toxic agenda just last cycle.
  • Gunter is a MAGA-inspired ultra-wealthy GOP megadonor. Gunter has donated more than $100,000 of his own fortune to support Trump’s presidential campaigns, and he’s shelled out nearly half a million dollars to other Republican campaigns.
  • Every GOP candidate holds far right positions that put them squarely out of step with everyday Nevadans. Brown and Marchant both oppose abortion even in cases of rape or incest, supported efforts to overturn the 2020 election in Nevada, and want to abolish the Department of Education. Gunter also supported Trump’s efforts to overturn the Affordable Care Act and spread dangerous conspiracy theories about U.S. elections.
  • The Republican field remains unsettled in Nevada. Despite Brown being pushed into the 2024 race by Mitch McConnell and the D.C. establishment, Republicans in Nevada have raised “questions about his ability to seriously challenge Rosen after having yet to win a primary in his two runs for office” and believe “alternative candidates could still arise.” Even more Republicans are rumored to be mulling Senate bids – including former Nevada lieutenant governor candidate Tony Grady. 


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