Gov. Lombardo’s Top Priority: New Office Furniture!

Governor Lombardo is showing Nevadans just how out of touch he is, putting $25 million worth of new office furniture at the top of his priority list after yesterday’s Economic Forum while having no answers on how much additional funding will go to critical social services. After failing to back a bill giving state employees a well-deserved raise, staying silent on every piece of legislation making its way to his desk, and leaving victims of crime behind in his budget, it’s clear Nevadans are Lombardo’s last priority.

“Months into the job, Governor Lombardo has refused to support legislation to give state employees, including law enforcement, a raise and is avoiding doing the bare minimum of his job like weighing in on critical bills and issues,” said Nevada State Democratic Party spokesperson Mallory Payne. “But now his top priority is crystal clear – spending an additional $25 million to redecorate the governor’s mansion while leaving things like critical social services unaddressed. If his priorities stay this out of touch, he probably shouldn’t get too comfortable on that new couch.”



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