ICYMI: Leader Of Republican Dysfunction, Kevin McCarthy, Endorses Heidi Kasama

Today, U.S. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy continued his reckless campaign to shut down the U.S. government while endorsing Heidi Kasama as his hand-picked candidate to bring broken politics and devastating consequences to southern Nevada.

Kasama said she was “proud” to have the endorsement of the chief architect of the looming government shutdown that will cost the U.S. travel economy $140 million dollars a day, threaten public safety and put veterans’ benefits and social security checks at risk.

Southern Nevada’s tourism and travel economy, working families, veterans and seniors can’t afford McCarthy’s broken politics – or another extreme politician willing to play partisan games with Nevadans’ lives. Voters now have clear proof that Heidi Kasama will only do McCarthy’s bidding and prioritize his interests over Nevadans.

Nevada State Democratic Party Spokesperson Stephanie Justice

“This endorsement is just further evidence that Kasama will follow McCarthy’s lead and push House Republicans’ dangerous agenda forward, even if it means putting southern Nevadans’ livelihoods at stake. If elected, Kasama will join McCarthy to create an economy that caters to the ultra-wealthy, enact a nationwide abortion ban and promote more radical policies that will only hurt hardworking families. Make no mistake: Kasama is too extreme for Nevada.”



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