ICYMI: Lying Lombardo Takes Credit for President Biden’s Economic Achievements

Governor Joe Lombardo and his team are, once again, lying to Nevadans. While Lombardo takes credit for Nevada’s growing economy, new commentary from the Nevada Current highlights Lombardo’s “economic insignificance” and how Nevada’s economic progress can actually only be attributed to the work of President Biden and Democrats. Considering that Lombardo has failed to deliver any real policy to help Nevada families, it doesn’t come as a surprise that he’s playing pretend.

Read more below:

Nevada Current: Lombardo and his PAC blasted Biden policies. Now they’re trying to take credit for the results.

November 30, 2023

  • “Nevada has experienced 10 straight months of employment growth under Governor Joe Lombardo’s leadership,” the Lombardo-adjacent Better Nevada PAC tweeted this week. That’s one way to look at it.

  • Here’s another: Nevada has experienced 34 straight months of employment growth under President Joe Biden’s leadership.

  • But the ten months of employment growth the Lombardo-adjacent PAC is crowing about reflects nothing whatsoever about any economic policy that Lombardo has or has not implemented. Effective and meaningful state-level economic policies are long-term affairs requiring long-term investments in the public good. Lombardo hasn’t been governor long enough for such initiatives to begin rippling through the economy even if he had implemented any, which he hasn’t.

  • But on a policy level, the game changer was when a Democratically controlled Congress passed the Biden administration’s American Rescue Plan Act in March of 2021.

  • Nevada’s economic and budgetary recovery occurred with the speed and scale it did thanks to Biden and Democrats in Congress.

  • Lombardo blasted “Bidenomics” during his campaign. Those Lombonomics mostly consisted of dumbed-down complaints about the price of gas. 
  • Now he and his PAC want to take credit for Nevada employment growth that would have happened no matter who was governor, thanks to Biden.



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