ICYMI: NV Dems Launch ‘Veto Villain’ Campaign Against Lombardo for Blocking Vital Legislation

Yesterday, the Nevada State Democratic Party launched its ‘Veto Villain’ campaign, which is  holding Governor Lombardo accountable for vetoing legislation that would have supported Nevada families. While Lombardo brags about his record-setting number of vetoes in a single session, the social media campaign, backed by a digital ad buy targeting tens of thousands of swing voters, will inform Nevadans of policies that Lombardo blocked despite many having bipartisan and overwhelming support. By refusing to address the housing crisis, obstructing legislation to bring down the cost of prescription drugs, and blocking protections for access to contraceptives and more, Lombardo has proven that he will always prioritize the needs of special interests and the far-right over the wellbeing of Nevada families.

Read more below:

KSNV: Nevada Democrats launch new ‘Veto Villain’ campaign against Gov. Lombardo, aim for supermajorities

  • A new digital ad campaign launched Monday by the Nevada State Democratic Party aims to highlight Republican Gov. Joe Lombardo’s record-breaking vetoes in the 2023 legislative session.
  • The “Veto Villain” campaign began with a digital ad buy targeting tens of thousands of Nevada voters in swing districts that will determine the majorities in both chambers of the Nevada Legislature, according to the state Democratic party.
  • In Lombardo’s first term as governor, he vetoed 75 bills from the Democrat-controlled Legislature, which set a record for vetoes in a single session. Former Nevada Republican Gov. Brian Sandoval vetoed a total of 97 bills during his eight years in office.
  • “Our current governor boasted at being the governor who has vetoed the record number of bills. And those bills were bills that are kitchen table item bills for families,” said Daniele Monroe-Moreno, the Nevada state Democratic chair and a state assemblywoman.
  • Monroe-Moreno, who took over the state’s Democratic party in March, said the campaign intends to address constituents who complain their elected officials aren’t doing enough for them, but who may not be aware of the legislation Lombardo vetoed.
  • Amongst the bills blocked by Lombardo, the campaign specifically highlights legislation aimed at election reform and transparency, housing, health care, education, and public safety.
  • “My goal, of course, is to get as many Democrats elected up and down the ballot,” said Monroe-Moreno. “The goal is to get great people elected to office that are there for the right reasons. But if it takes Democratic supermajorities in both chambers to prevent the ‘veto villain’ that we currently have from striking again in the 2025 legislative session, then that’s what we’ll do.”
  • “I’d like to see the governor govern more than campaign. He’s won the campaign. Now it’s time to serve,” said Monroe-Moreno.

The Nevada Indepedent: NV Dems — Veto Villain

  • Complete with tiny cartoon devil horns, the state Democratic Party launched a digital ad campaign Monday lambasting Republican Gov. Joe Lombardo as a “Veto Villain.” That villainy, per those ads, includes the vetoes of bills on election reforms, rent control for seniors, prescription drug price caps, universal school breakfast and lunch as well as a trio of gun control laws. 
  • Those were among a record 75 vetoes issued by Lombardo this year, who sparred early and often with Democrats in the Legislature earlier this year. 
  • The ad buy, set to run in competitive legislative districts, comes as Democrats have contended for months with a PAC supporting Lombardo, Better Nevada PAC. Though the PAC has done little in the way of formal spending, it has aggressively attacked incumbent Democratic lawmakers on social media over transparency and ethics issues. 



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