ICYMI: NV Dems Senior Caucus Hosts Bingo Night to Highlight MAGA Congressional Candidates’ Anti-Senior Project 2025 Agenda

Yesterday, the Nevada State Democratic Party Senior Caucus hosted a bingo night led by Caucus Chair Donna West to highlight MAGA Republican candidates for Senate and Congress’ embrace of Donald Trump’s dangerous, anti-senior Project 2025 agenda. The night featured bingo cards using GOP candidates’ own words, including eliminating Social Security and Medicare and raising the retirement age, which would be devastating to Nevada’s seniors. 

Senate candidate and MAGA extremist Sam Brown called Rick Scott’s plan to phase out Social Security in 5 years a “roadmap for a better America,” and praised economic programs that would force massive cuts to Social Security and Medicare. NV-01 candidate Mark Robertson backed a budget amendment that would subject Medicare and Social Security to “potentially deep cuts” while pledging to “develop entitlement reform” that would endanger the benefits that Nevadans have worked for and earned. NV-03 candidate Drew Johnson has called Social Security a “failed policy” that turns beneficiaries into a burden on our economy, and one of his key priorities is raising the retirement age, cutting Medicare, and slashing Social Security by 30%. NV-04 candidate John Lee stated he would “follow the Trump [Project 2025] agenda” which would decimate Social Security for Nevada’s seniors.

“Republicans are running against our Democratic federal delegation and their candidacies threaten to cut, phase out or discontinue Social Security and Medicare. We all know, and I know, the agenda would be devastating to all of the seniors here in Nevada and across the country,” said Nevada State Democratic Party Senior Caucus Chair Donna West. “I have a pension, but I also worked up jobs along the way to have Social Security as well. Thanks to the Biden-Harris administration, next time we go to the doctor and they prescribe a medication, the first question won’t have to be ‘How much does it cost?’ but ‘How will this help me?”

“Donald Trump’s dangerous anti-senior culture is attacking everything that our generation and the previous generation built to make our lives better,” said Max Carter, District 12 Assemblyman. “Healthcare has gotten out of reach for so many of us, but Medicare and Social Security are what supports our retired community. We have to protect these things, to protect our communities’ rights.”



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