ICYMI: NV Dems Visit All 17 Counties on Statewide Kitchen Table Tour

Last week, Nevada State Democratic Party Chair Monroe-Moreno along with Association of State Democratic Committees Chair Ken Martin met with hundreds of voters across the state on a week-long tour that stretched across all 17 counties and focused on hearing from Nevadans about the issues that matter most to them and their families. The tour allowed the state party to connect with local leaders, Democratic stakeholders and community members in every corner of the state and discuss issues from Social Security and Medicare to climate action, lowering costs, veterans’ needs and more. 

See more about the Kitchen Table Tour below:


Elko Daily: State Democratic leader rallies support in conservative Elko

Keith Kohn

Key points: 

  • A statewide political leader and head of the Nevada Democratic Party met this week with several dozen union members and others to rally support for both Vice President Kamala Harris, Sen. Jacky Rosen and other priorities of her party.
  • “My philosophy and for politics, for my own district, and in this role as state party chair, is that we have to build community,” she said. “And I am a Democrat. A registered Democrat, yes. But as an elected official — I don’t call myself a politician, I’m an elected official — that was elected to serve our community, our state. It doesn’t matter what party you’re in, my work doesn’t change.”
  • “I’m here to serve the state. So, building communities for me, being out talking to people, listening to them. We don’t always have to agree with each other, but my job is to hear from all of our constituents statewide,” she said. “But I do have a, you know, a mission to get Democrats elected up and down the ballot. But as an elected official, my job is to listen to all my voters, statewide, and that’s what we’re doing on this 17-county tour.”
  • “My job and my goal as the state party chair is not to change these people’s mindset right? My job as an elected official and in this role is to tell the story of what Democrats have done in the state, both in the state Legislature and at our federal level,” Monroe-Moreno said. “When you look at the Biden-Harris team and the work that they have put in with our bipartisan infrastructure bill, with the ACA … when you look at the jobs that have come to the state of Nevada, 285,000 new jobs, a $3.5 billion investment, and a lot of that in rural communities — and voters may not know, no matter what party they’re registered, they may not know that, but it’s part of my job, to tell the story.
  • She said Rosen has worked on bipartisan measure during her time in the Senate and “is there fighting for all of us, and I think people know that throughout the state, no matter what party they’re in, they recognize the support and the work that our senator is doing in Washington for Nevada.”
  • “This county is a red county, but I have to tell you we had an event in this county last night with over 40 Democrats in attendance, but there were also people in attendance that were nonpartisan and Republican. It was a friendly gathering. We had conversations, because that’s what you’re supposed to do,” Monroe-Moreno said.

Pahrump Valley Times: Democratic party’s Kitchen Table Tour of rural Nevada begins in Pahrump

Jimmy Romo

  • Harris raised $200 million in the first week of her bid for president, according to her campaign and is getting a wave of blue support from her backers, including Assemblywoman and Chair of the Nevada Democratic party Daniele Monroe-Moreno, who will be speaking on the party’s rural tour in the state. When she was elected as the chair of her party, she made a few promises. One was to represent all Nevada voters, rural or urban.
  • “I would not leave any voter untouched, at every corner of the state, without having an opportunity to make contact with [them],” Monroe-Moreno said. “I personally take no vote for granted.”
  • “Sitting down and talking with folks in Pahrump and some other communities today [we’re hearing] a lot of the same issues that I’m hearing in Clark County,” Monroe-Mareno said. “One of them being housing; the cost of housing, the lack of housing and affordability.”
  • Another concern locals expressed to the chair of the Democratic party is how clean energy is impacting the rural communities. Companies are proposing to add solar farms and lithium mining that would drain water from a scarce resource for Nevadans.
  • Under [the current] leadership there have been more than 285,000 new jobs right here in Nevada. Our legislative Democratic leaders [laid] the groundwork for long-term economic growth in our rural communities.
  • Recently the state received $3.5 billion from an infrastructure bill that aimed to catch rural parts of Nevada up to speed with broadband and maintenance to roads and bridges. This created in-demand jobs for rural Nevadans.
  • “Oftentimes as Democrats, we do the work and we don’t ask for credit, Monroe-Moreno said. We just do the work.”

KRNV News 4: Nevada Democrats continue ‘Kitchen Table’ Tour in Sparks, counter JD Vance rally

Audrey Mayer

  • Nevada Democrats are continuing their Kitchen Table Tour, visiting all Nevada counties this summer and making a stop in Sparks Wednesday, just one day after Republican Vice Presidential nominee and Ohio Senator JD Vance held a rally at the Reno-Sparks Convention Center.
  • Nevada State Assemblywoman Natha Anderson (D), who is also a public school teacher, kicked off the event sharing words of support for Vice President Kamala Harris, the likely Democratic candidate for President and introducing Nevada Democratic Party Chair, Daniele Monroe-Moreno.
  • In Monroe-Moreno’s remarks Wednesday, she criticized the conservative agenda, specifically Project 2025 and former President Trump’s attempt to repeal the Affordable Care Act.
  • “‘Mr. Trump fought tooth and nail to repeal the ACA and he was just one vote away… one vote away from doing that,’ she told a room of supporters.’”
  • “You should make no mistake about the fact that House Republicans and Republicans in the Senate said that they are going to bring a bill to have a national abortion ban in this country,” said Ken Martin, Vice Chair of the DNC, “and I have no doubt that Donald Trump and JD Vance–if that bill made it to their desk–that they would sign it.”


@DemStateParties:  All 👏 17 👏 Counties! 👏Way to go @nvdems

@kenmartin73: Spent the earlier part of this week in the critical battleground state of Nevada on a Kitchen Table Tour hitting all 17 counties.  The Nevada Democratic Party is chaired by my friend @NVDemsChair, an amazing leader who also serves as an Assemblywoman in the State Legislature and Chair of the Ways & Means Committee.

Chairwoman  Danielle Monroe-Moreno has done a terrific job rebuilding the Nevada Democratic Party. She has unified a fractured party, focused on building statewide, and expanded the reach within our Democratic coalition in one of the most diverse states in the nation.  It’s been awesome watching the work she has done in a short time to prepare the Nevada Dems for this upcoming election.

It was so much fun hitting the road with Danielle and her amazing team including Natalia Jordan, Political & Party Affairs Director, Carlos Perez, Northern Nevada Regional Press Secretary, and Natha Anderson, Nevada Assemblymember from the 30th District.

Of course, Nevada is a critical state in the upcoming Presidential contest, but it also vital in our goal of keeping the majority in the U.S. Senate, where we need to reelect Senator Jacky Rosen, and winning back the U.S. House, where we need to reelect Congressman Steven Horsford, Congresswoman Dina Titus, and Congresswoman Susie Lee.

We hit Vegas, Parumph, Beatty, Tonopah, Fallon, Dayton, Yerington, Minden, Virginia City, Reno and Sparks during my 3 days on the tour. The energy and excitement was amazing- everywhere we went people are fired up for Kamala!  It’s been like a shot in the arm these past couple of weeks – the energy is sky-high, people are hopeful and optimistic, and most importantly they are rolling up their sleeves in record numbers to have the important conversations we need to have with voters these next 96 days to win up and down the ballot.

@DemStateParties @TheDemocrats @nvdems

@nvdems: Exciting news! Today we’re kicking off our Kitchen Table Tour, where 

@NVDemsChair will visit ALL 17 of Nevada’s counties. Follow along with us as we uplift democratic leaders across the Silver State!



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