ICYMI: Sam Brown Follows Donald Trump’s Orders, Comes Out in Opposition to Bipartisan Border Security Deal

The Messenger: Republican Senate Candidates Line Up With Trump Against Yet-To-Be Released Immigration Deal

Following Donald Trump’s lead, MAGA extremist Sam Brown recently came out against an emerging bipartisan border security deal — before text of the bill was even released. 

Nevada State Democratic Party Spokesperson Katharine Kurz

“MAGA extremist Sam Brown immediately falling in line with Donald Trump is proof that he cares more about his own self-serving politics than doing what’s best for Nevada and providing our law enforcement personnel at the border with the resources, tools, and manpower they urgently need. While Senators are working across party lines to address the crisis at our southern border with commonsense solutions, Brown would rather use immigration as a political football. Brown is refusing to even consider a bipartisan plan to secure the border because he is running to be a rubber stamp for Trump and his party leaders in Washington instead of delivering for Nevadans.”

The Messenger: Republican Senate Candidates Line Up With Trump Against Yet-To-Be Released Immigration Deal 

  • Donald Trump’s ironclad grip over the Republican Party may be clearest in how the group of Republican Senate candidates vying to ruin alongside him in 2024 are approaching immigration.
  • These Republicans are running to join a legislative body whose members have been negotiating an immigration deal for months. But now that deal appears to be close to falling apart before it is even released after the former president came out against it, arguing it does not restrict immigration enough – and, according to Republicans, that it would give President Joe Biden a win on an issue he plans to make the center point of his 2024 campaign.
  • Republican Senate candidates from Nevada to Ohio to Pennsylvania have lined up alongside Trump in lockstep before they had even seen the agreement, putting them at odds with some of the men and women they are looking to serve alongside.
  • “If Joe Biden was serious about solving the border crisis and human rights tragedy he created, he would immediately reinstate the Trump border policies that he ended,” Sam Brown, the top Republican Senate candidate in Nevada, said in a statement. 
  • Brown… recently endorsed Trump after his Republican primary opponents attacked him for not being loyal enough to the former President



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