ICYMI: Sam Brown’s MAGA Extremism Back in Spotlight on Anniversary of January 6 Insurrection 

Brown has repeatedly spread election conspiracy theories and downplayed the deadly January 6 insurrection

This weekend marked the three year anniversary of the deadly January 6 insurrection on our nation’s Capitol, and another reminder that NRSC-backed Senate candidate Sam Brown is a MAGA extremist who supported efforts to overturn the 2020 election and downplayed the violent insurrection that resulted in the deaths of five people and injured 140 law enforcement officers.

Read more about Brown’s MAGA extremism below: 


January 5, 2024

  • HOST: Tomorrow, January 6th, will mark 3 years since the riots at the US Capitol. And today, several of Nevada’s Democratic lawmakers calling out former President Donald Trump, Senate candidate Sam Brown here in our state, and the now indicted fake Nevada electors for enabling riots at the capitol on January 6th. Congresswoman Dina Titus tells us the riots were an attack on the rights and freedoms Americans have fought so hard.
  • DINA TITUS: It sets a very dangerous precedent for the future of our democracy. I don’t believe it’s overly dramatic to say democracy is at stake in this upcoming election. The evidence is just all there.

American Journal News: How GOP senate hopefuls try to excuse the January 6 insurrection

January 5, 2023 

  • Sam Brown, a U.S. army veteran who is seeking the Republican nomination for U.S. Senate in Nevada, has consistently questioned the validity of the 2020 election and sought to diminish the importance of the insurrection.
  • “Overall, I’m afraid that a focus on January 6 has become political and divisive,” Brown told KSNV news in Las Vegas. “One of the hallmarks of my campaign is that I want America to heal. When we live reflecting on things that are extremely divisive, and we have antagonistic viewpoints on that, it doesn’t serve Americans’ interests well.”
  • Spokespeople for Brown, Lake, and Cruz did not immediately respond to requests to comment for this story.

Nevada Current: Marking January 6 anniversary, NV Dems emphasize democracy as key issue ‘up and down the ballot’ 

January 5, 2024

  • State Sen. Skip Daly […] extended criticism beyond people like Trump and McDonald who were directly involved with election denialism and to Republicans like Gov. Joe Lombardo and Senate candidate Sam Brown who have attempted to appeal to general election voters while not alienating the harder right base of Republican voters.
  • Brown has previously downplayed the events at the capital and entertained the conspiracy theories about widespread voter fraud.

Las Vegas Sun: Dark cloud from 2021 continues to hang over this November’s elections 

January 6, 2024 

  • However, critics of Brown say that’s a different tune compared with comments he made in a February 2022 interview with the local NBC affiliate, KSNV-TV channel 3.
  • When asked how Brown defines the events of Jan. 6, he said “Jan. 6 is another sad sort of point in history where we have an event where it’s so complex that you have a mixture of, what I imagine, some people believe was just a patriotic expression of their love of country and some of their concerns. But there’s obviously bad actors involved as well.”
  • In that same interview, Brown, like respondents to the Sun’s questions, said the conversation around the attack had become politicized and there were other key issues to focus on.
  • “I am afraid that a focus on Jan. 6 has become political and divisive,” Brown told the station. “When we live in reflecting on things that are extremely divisive, and we have antagonistic viewpoints on that, that doesn’t serve Americans’ interests well.”



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