In First Major Nevada Senate GOP Debate Thursday, All but One Candidate Prepare to Take the Stage

Brown repeatedly pushed for primary debates during his failed 2022 Senate bid – is now nowhere to be found

This Thursday, Nevada Senate Republican candidates will take the stage in Reno for the first major debate of the primary, but one notable MAGA challenger has yet to RSVP. 

Mitch McConnell’s handpicked candidate Sam Brown still has not said whether or not he will attend Thursday’s debate, despite repeatedly calling for primary debates during his failed 2022 Senate primary bid. Brown even went so far as to call Adam Laxalt a “typical career politician” who was too busy “with Mitch McConnell and an audience of DC lobbyists” for refusing to debate him in primetime.

The only thing that’s changed since 2022 is that Sam Brown is now Mitch McConnell’s anointed candidate with a toxic record that he would be forced to defend on the debate stage, including: 

His late-to-the-game endorsement of Trump after failed attempts to hide his far-right MAGA views. During his failed 2022 Senate bid, Brown positioned himself as a Trump-supporting conservative and bragged about being a volunteer for Trump’s 2020 presidential campaign. This cycle, after months of refusing to say whether he will endorse Trump in the upcoming presidential primary, Brown finally caved to the pressure of his fellow MAGA opponents and endorsed Trump, showing his extreme, far-right values. 
His extreme and widely unpopular opposition to abortion rights. Brown has a decade-long record of supporting extreme anti-choice policies, including stating that he believes abortion should be banned even in cases of rape or incest and backing a radical Texas abortion ban without exceptions for rape or incest during his failed 2014 run for Assembly. Brown knows that this could prove to be a massive liability for him in pro-choice Nevada, and has already been criticized by fellow Republicans in his primary.
His scam PAC that swindled grassroots Republican donors to pay off his own campaign debts. Brown started a PAC in 2022 to “help elect Republicans” then instead almost entirely used it to pay off his own losing campaign debts – “a move one campaign finance expert likened to using the PAC as a ‘slush fund.’” Now, Brown’s facing an FEC complaint over his shady dealings.

Nevada State Democratic Party Spokesperson Katharine Kurz
“Sam Brown said it best that only a typical career politician who wants to hide from Nevada voters refuses to debate their GOP opponents. If Brown refuses to show up at a debate in his own backyard, it will just be another reminder to voters that he’s a hypocrite who knows he can’t answer for his own toxic record.”


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