Joe Lombardo: You’re A Sucker for Trump

When it comes to Donald Trump, craven politician Joe Lombardo has a record of using his relationship with the convicted felon when it’s politically expedient then pretending he isn’t loyal to Trump when it’s not as convenient – making clear he will do or say whatever it takes for his own personal gain. 

  • In 2022 while running for governor, Lombardo refused to describe Trump as a “great” president when pressed on the issue only to turn around and declare Trump the “greatest president” while beside him at a rally.
  • After Lombardo said he “couldn’t turn a blind eye” to Trump’s criminal indictments last year, he is now undermining our system of justice by cravenly calling an independent jury decision that found Trump guilty of 34 felony charges a “witch hunt.” 
  • During the 2024 presidential primary, Lombardo at first refused to endorse Trump for the Republican nomination only to turn around and participate in a rigged caucus on behalf of Trump.
  • On the campaign trail, Lombardo said that he was “honored” to have Trump’s full support and endorsement then he was elected governor and admitted that he “dreaded” hearing the word “Trump.”

“Joe Lombardo is a sucker for Trump who will tie himself in knots – no matter how spineless he looks – to do or say whatever is most politically convenient,” said Nevada State Democratic Party Spokesperson Tai Sims. 




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