Like Sam Brown, Trump Opens the Door to Cutting Social Security and Medicare

MAGA Extremist Sam Brown enthusiastically endorsed Trump’s presidential campaign and supported plans to phase out Social Security and Medicare

Today, a breaking news report revealed that Donald Trump would be open to cutting Social Security and Medicare if elected – and he’s not alone. MAGA extremist and enthusiastic Trump endorser Sam Brown has already supported an extreme plan to gut Social Security and Medicare benefits that Nevadans rely on and have earned through a lifetime of hard work.

Brown praised then-NRSC chair Rick Scott’s widely criticized plan to phase out Social Security and Medicare after five years, taking away a program that provides critical assistance to more than half a million Nevada seniors. Brown said he admired Scott for attempting to “create a roadmap for a better America.” 

Brown is also endorsed and funded by Americans for Prosperity Action (AFP), a far-right Koch network organization that has called for drastic changes to Social Security like raising the retirement age and cutting benefits for Nevada seniors.

Nevada State Democratic Party Spokesperson Katharine Kurz

“Every day, Sam Brown ties himself closer to extreme MAGA values and shows us how little he cares for or understands seniors across the state. Brown will always fall in line with the right-wing leaders of his party, even if it means slashing hard earned benefits for Nevadans.”



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