Lombardo Allies Among Six NV Fake Electors Indicted in Scheme to Overturn 2020 Election

Yesterday, six Republicans, including Nevada GOP Chair Michael McDonald and Jesse Law, a newly-announced candidate for state Assembly – were indicted by a grand jury on felony charges after pledging Nevada’s electoral votes to Donald Trump despite President Biden’s victory in the 2020 election.

Lombardo, who made “restoring law and order” a primary point in his gubernatorial campaign, has deep ties to these alleged criminals, including his “longtime friend” and Nevada GOP Chair McDonald. He also endorsed Law’s re-election as chair of the Clark County GOP, despite Law being a champion of Trump’s Big Lie.

Even after legislative Democrats passed legislation to criminalize efforts to overturn elections – such as the one these fake electors are being indicted over – Lombardo instead sided with his election conspiracy cronies and vetoed SB133. Following this veto, Trump held a political rally in Nevada while facing his own eventual indictment for trying to overturn the election, and said having Lombardo in office was going to be a “big advantage.”  

“Joe Lombardo continues to prove ‘Law and Order’ is nothing more than a campaign talking point,” said Nevada State Democratic Party Spokesperson Stephanie Justice. “If he were serious, he would cut ties with his fake elector cronies and hold them accountable for pedaling dangerous conspiracy theories.”



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