Lombardo Blames Skyrocketing Evictions on Nevadans’ “Lack of Performance”

After doubling down on his vetoes of Democrat-led legislation that would have lowered housing costs, in an effort to defend himself, Lombardo blamed Nevadans being evicted on them just not working hard enough. In vetoing legislation that would have helped keep Nevadans in their homes, Lombardo said he wanted to “remove the excuse of government taking care of [renters] and so I’m not going to make an effort.” According to him, helping keep Nevadans in their homes is just a “crutch for lack of performance of the renter”. While thousands of hard-working Nevada residents face evictions, out-of-touch Joe Lombardo has offered no serious plan to address the state’s housing crisis – instead he chose to cater to the slumlord billionaire who bankrolled his gubernatorial campaign and put Nevadans last.

In an interview with the Nevada Independent, Lombardo claimed his vetoes weren’t “because I’m friendly to the landlords,” but when asked if he regretted vetoing bills that would have made housing more affordable for Nevadans, Lombardo replied, “No, I don’t.” To add insult to injury, a report revealed that after vetoing several bills that would have lowered housing costs for Nevada residents, Joe Lombardo hired a new chief of staff whose corporate landlord client stood to benefit directly from Lombardo’s anti-tenant vetoes.

“Once again, Joe Lombardo proves how out of touch he is with hard-working Nevadans,” said Nevada State Democratic Party Spokesperson Tai Sims. “Lombardo has continued to try to shift the blame for Nevada’s housing crisis, first onto legislative Democrats, then to President Biden, and now onto Nevada residents themselves when in reality he is to blame. With a stroke of a pen Lombardo could have lowered housing costs and kept more Nevadans in their homes. While Nevadans struggle to afford housing, Lombardo continues to reward his true priorities: his ultra wealthy donors and special interests.”



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