Lombardo, NV Republicans Still Silent a Week After Fake Electors Indicted

Nevada AG Ford: “Senate Bill 133 would have directly criminalized these actions … It was unfortunately vetoed by our governor”

Following the news that six fake electors – including two of Joe Lombardo’s close allies – were indicted by a grand jury last week after trying to steal the 2020 election for Donald Trump, Attorney General Aaron Ford made it clear during a press conference yesterday that Nevada could’ve established statute that directly addresses fake elector schemes – but Lombardo vetoed the legislation. 

The explanation as to why Lombardo vetoed this legislation is easy enough: his loyalty to these alleged criminals and Donald Trump simply run too deep. Instead of putting the public interest first, Lombardo chose to protect champions of the Big Lie and leave the door open to future attacks on our democracy. Now, Lombardo and other Republicans across the state have refused to do the right thing and denounce the people who attempted to overturn the will of Nevada voters. This doesn’t come as a surprise considering Lombardo’s Republican Party, from members of the legislature to his own lieutenant governor, lent the fake electors a hand in fueling their conspiracies.

There’s just one question that needs to be answered: Will Joe Lombardo and other Nevada Republicans finally condemn these Big Lie conspiracists?

“Governor Lombardo’s office has been devoid of any sense of civic duty and moral leadership for far too long. If he cared about the best interests of Nevadans, he would repudiate these fake electors and their conspiracy-driven attack on our democracy,” said Nevada State Democratic Party spokesperson Stephanie Justice. “Lombardo and other Nevada Republicans must be willing to hold these Trump cronies accountable for the sake of Nevada’s voters and future elections.”



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