Lombardo: Public Safety < New Office Furniture

Days after proposing an additional $25M for office furniture, Lombardo cuts State Police shifts due to underfunded staff

It turns out politician Joe Lombardo hasn’t changed a bit, putting himself and his MAGA base over Nevadans’ safety. After promising on the campaign trail to address the State Police shortage “immediately,” Lombardo has yet to act and is now cutting overnight police shifts in Washoe County. Lombardo’s priority instead? Redecorating the governor’s mansion and trying to restrict Nevadans’ voting rights to appease his base.

Lombardo has repeatedly put Nevadans and the officers who protect them on the backburner. After every single Senate Republican voted against legislation to grant pay raises and arbitration awards to State Police, Lombardo stayed silent and refused to stand up for Nevada law enforcement. Then, Lombardo failed to replenish the victims of crime fund in his proposed budget, leaving it on track to run dry next year.

“It would be a nice change of pace if Governor Lombardo decided to finally prioritize Nevadans’ safety instead of budgeting for new office furniture,” said Nevada State Democratic Party spokesperson Mallory Payne. “He has a track record of leaving law enforcement officers and Nevada families behind time and time again, while proving his top priority is serving himself and appeasing the MAGA base. Lombardo can drop the Sheriff act – we know he’s just another politician who couldn’t care less about public safety.”



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