Lombardo Stays Silent after Trump Calls Nevada “Disgraceful”

After Donald Trump tried to win over Nevada voters by calling the Silver State “disgraceful” and continuing to push his baseless claims that the 2020 election was rigged, Joe Lombardo has once again refused to defend Nevada and denounce the former president’s comments. After accepting Trump’s endorsement, sharing a stage with him while he bragged about the crowd size of the deadly January 6th insurrection, and calling him “the greatest president,” Lombardo has proven he’ll always side with his MAGA leader for political gain.

Read more below about Lombardo’s cowardly silence.

Las Vegas Sun: Editorial: Insulting Nevada’s integrity is no way for Trump to earn our vote

July 13, 2023

Key Points:

  • We are far from disgraceful and we do not take kindly to being insulted by anyone, let alone an entitled swindler.
  • We will show Trump exactly how “disgraceful” we are in the 2024 election, when we reject him, his extremism and his dishonesty, and reveal him for the perpetual loser that he is.
  • In the meantime, Gov. Joe Lombardo, who proudly shared a stage with Trump and accepted his endorsement last year, has some explaining to do. As does Rep. Mark Amodei, who has been a steadfast Trump supporter for almost a decade. Despite having nearly a week to respond, both men have thus far been silent on Trump’s trashing of the Silver State.
  • If our Republican governor won’t stand up for his state’s integrity out of fear of a fool like Trump, it says a lot about his diminished character and his unwillingness to put the people of Nevada ahead of his own political ambitions.
  • Voters should remember these men when it comes time to return to the voting booth for another free and fair election.
  • Nevada’s elected officials should represent Nevadans, not blowhards who hurl insults at our state.

Read the full editorial here.



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